The CROSS TRAINER • is a tool, and leamlng lo use it properly is essentialfor your safety as well as the success oF your exercise program. Read this owner's manual and the accompanying FITNESSJOURNAL carefully before usingthe CROSS TRAINER e. Remember, the information in this owner'smanual and in the FITNESSJOURNAL is general in nature. For more information about exercise, consultyour physklan or obtain a reputable book about exercise. WARNING: Before beginning any exercise program, consult your physlc;an. Th_sis especially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with
In order to increase the size and strengthof your muscles, you mustsubjectyour muscles to
To tone your muscles,select moderale,weight settings and increase the number of repetitionsin each set. Work your musclesby completing more repetitions rather thon by using high weight seltings.
To lose weight, select low weight selfings and increase the number of repetitionsin _.h set. Exercising on the slopper will also help you to bum Calories and shed extra pounds.
In the pursuitof a €omplelo and
•CROSS TRAINER e is ideal for crosstraining. By combining weight training with aerobic exercise, you con reshape and strengthenyour body, plusdevelop a strongerheart and lungs.
In order to obtoin the 9realest benefits from exercising, it is essential to maintain proper form. Molntolnlng proper form means moving through the full range of motion for each exercise, and moving only the appropriate parts of the body. On pages 17 through 24 of this owner'smanual, you will find photographs showing the correct form for each exercise. A descriptionof each exercise is also provided, along with a llstof the muscles affected. Refer to the muscle chart in the accompanying FITNESSJOURNAL to find the locationsof the muscles.As you exercise, the repetitionsin each set shouldbe performed smoothlyand without pausing. The exert;on phase of each repetition should last only about half as long as the return phase. Restfor 1 minule after each set if you ore doing o tone exercise, and 3 minutes a_r each set iFyou are doing a strength exercise. Plan to spendthe first two weeks learning the proper form for each exercise.