16.SINGLE LEG CURL (15-125 Lbs.)
StandfacingtheCROSSTRAINER• and restthe backof one legagainstthe lower pod onthelegdeveloper. Raisethelegdeveloperas far as passibleby bendingyour legasshown.Returnto the startingposition.
17.AB CRUNCH (15-125 Lbs.)
Muscles affected: reclusal_Jominus, upper abdornlnals
Referta adjustment3 on Page 8 of thisowner'smanual.Attach the slrap to the high pulleystation.Siton the seatand hold the strapbehindyourheadas shown.Keep your backstraight.Slowlybend forwardat the waistuntilyourupperbody is at a 45* angle. Returntothe startingposition.
18.BACK EXTENSION (15-125 Lbs.)
Musclesaffected:hip extensors
Referto adjustment4 on Page 9 of this owner'smanual.Attachthelot bar to the low pulley station.Siton thefloorwithyour heelson the footplate. Crossyour armsand holdthelet bar againstyourchestas shown. Keepyourback slralght.Bendback at the waist.Returnto thestartingposition.
19. WRISTCURL (15-125 Lbs.)
Referto adjuslment4 on page 9 of this owner'smanual.Altoch therowerbar to the low pulleystation.Standwithyour feeton the footplate. Holdthe rowerbar withon overhandgripwith yourarmsextendeddownward.Keepyourarmsstationaryand - curlyourhandsup as far as passible.Returnto thestarling position.
20.TOE RAISE (15-125 Lbs.)
Referto adjuslment4 on Page 9 of this owner'smanual.Attachthe rowerbar to the low pulleystation.Stoadwithyour feeton the footplate. Holdthe rowerbar withon overhandgrip withyourarmsexlendaddownward.Keepyourback strolghtand yourarmsal yoursides.Riseupon yourtoesas foras possibleReturnto. the starting Pasltion.