Texas Instruments TMS320C6457 DSP manual About This Manual, Notational Conventions, Trademarks

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SPRUGK1–March 2009

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About This Manual

Channel decoding of high bit-rate data channels found in third-generation (3G) cellular standards requires decoding of turbo-encoded data. The turbo-decoder coprocessor (TCP2) in some of the digital signal processors (DSPs) of the TMS320C6000™ DSP family has been designed to perform this operation for IS2000 and 3GPP wireless standards. This document describes the operation and programming of the TCP2 for the TMS320C6457 DSPs.

Notational Conventions

This document uses the following conventions.

Hexadecimal numbers are shown with the suffix h. For example, the following number is 40 hexadecimal (decimal 64): 40h.

Registers in this document are shown in figures and described in tables.

Each register figure shows a rectangle divided into fields that represent the fields of the register. Each field is labeled with its bit name, its beginning and ending bit numbers above, and its read/write properties below. A legend explains the notation used for the properties.

Reserved bits in a register figure designate a bit that is used for future device expansion.

The term "word" describes a 32-bit value. The term "halfword" describes a 16-bit value.

Related Documentation From Texas Instruments

The following documents describe the C6000™ devices and related support tools. Copies of these documents are available on the Internet at www.ti.com. Tip: Enter the literature number in the search box provided at www.ti.com.

SPRU189TMS320C6000 DSP CPU and Instruction Set Reference Guide. Describes the CPU architecture, pipeline, instruction set, and interrupts for the TMS320C6000 digital signal processors (DSPs).

SPRU198TMS320C6000 Programmer's Guide. Describes ways to optimize C and assembly code for the TMS320C6000™ DSPs and includes application program examples.

SPRU301TMS320C6000 Code Composer Studio Tutorial. Introduces the Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment and software tools.

SPRU321Code Composer Studio Application Programming Interface Reference Guide. Describes the Code Composer Studio™ application programming interface (API), which allows you to program custom plug-ins for Code Composer.

SPRU871TMS320C64x+ Megamodule Reference Guide. Describes the TMS320C64x+ digital signal processor (DSP) megamodule. Included is a discussion on the internal direct memory access (IDMA) controller, the interrupt controller, the power-down controller, memory protection, bandwidth management, and the memory and cache.


TMS320C6000, C6000, Code Composer Studio are trademarks of Texas Instruments.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.



SPRUGK1–March 2009



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Image 8
Contents Users Guide Submit Documentation Feedback Contents Added Features Programming EDMA3 Resources List of Figures Destination of Endianness Manager Outorder = List of Tables About This Manual Notational ConventionsRelated Documentation From Texas Instruments TrademarksFeatures TMS320C6457 Turbo-Decoder CoprocessorGPP and IS2000 Turbo-Encoder Block Diagram IntroductionGPP and IS2000 Turbo-Decoder Block Diagram OverviewStandalone SA Mode TCP2 ModeInput Data Format Systematic and Parity DataRsvd SP9 SP8 SP7 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP2 SP1 SP0 SP9 SP8 SP7 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP0SP4 SP3 SP2 SP1 SP0 SP9 SP8 SP7 SP6 SP5 SP9 SP8 SP7 SP6 SP5 SP4 SP3 SP2 SP1 SP0EN = 0 Big-Endian Mode Rate = 1/4 Output Decision Data Format Stopping CriteriaInterleaver Indexes Interleaver DataCRC Termination Stopping Test UnitSNR Threshold Termination Shared-Processing SP Mode Parameter TerminationMaximum Iterations Minimum IterationsShared-Processing SP Mode Block Diagram Subframe Equations Submit Documentation Feedback TCP2 Shared Processing Block Diagram EN = 1 Little-Endian Mode Rate = 1/3 Rsvd AP4 AP3 AP2 AP1 AP0 AP9 AP8 AP7 AP6 AP5 Output Data FormatPriori Data Registers TCP2 RegistersTCP2 RAMs NameRegisters Peripheral Identification Register PID Peripheral Identification Register PID Field DescriptionsBit Field DescriptionTCP2 Input Configuration Register 0 TCPIC0 Bit Field Value DescriptionTCP2 Input Configuration Register 1 TCPIC1 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 2 TCPIC2SNR MaxitTCP2 Input Configuration Register 3 TCPIC3 Crclen TCP2 Input Configuration Register 4 TCPIC4Crciterpass TCP2 Input Configuration Register 5 TCPIC5 Tail SymbolsCRC Examples CrcpolyTCP2 Input Configuration Register 6 TCPIC6 TAIL110 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 7 TCPIC7 TAIL211 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 8 TCPIC8 TAIL312 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 9 TCPIC9 TAIL4TAIL5 13 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 10 TCPIC1014 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 11 TCPIC11 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 11 TCPIC11 15 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 12 TCPIC12 16 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 13 TCPIC13EXTSCALE03 EXTSCALE4717 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 14 TCPIC14 EXTSCALE81118 TCP2 Input Configuration Register 15 TCPIC15 Extrinsic Scale RegistersEXTSCALE1215 Iteration Number19 TCP2 Output Parameter Register 0 TCPOUT0 20 TCP2 Output Parameter Register 1 TCPOUT1TCP2 Output Parameter Register 0 TCPOUT0 Field Descriptions TCP2 Output Parameter Register 1 TCPOUT1 Field Descriptions21 TCP2 Output Parameter Register 2 TCPOUT2 22 TCP2 Execution Register TcpexeTCP2 Output Parameter Register 2 TCPOUT2 Field Descriptions TCP2 Execution Register Tcpexe Field Descriptions23 TCP2 Endian Register Tcpend TCP2 Endian Register Tcpend Field DescriptionsEndian Extr Intr Endianextr24 TCP2 Error Register Tcperr TCP2 Error Register Tcperr Field DescriptionsSubframe length Tcpstate 25 TCP2 Status Register TcpstatTCP2 Status Register Tcpstat Field Descriptions Waiting for RAM extrinsic memory 0 to be read 26 TCP2 Emulation Register Tcpemu TCP2 Emulation Register Tcpemu Field DescriptionsSoft = Soft FreeEndianness Data Memory for SystematicData Memory 6362 6156 5550 4944 4338 3732 3130 2924 2318 1712 116EN = 0 Big-Endian Mode Rate = 1/4 EN = 0 Big-Endian Mode Rate = 3/4 Hard Decision DataHard Decisions in DSP Memory Tcpendian Register for Endianness ManagerData HD1 HD0Tcpendian Programming Register Endianintr =Interleaver Indexes in DSP Memory Data Native Format DSP Memory FormatINTER0 INTER1 INTER2 INTER3 INTER3 INTER2 INTER1 INTER0Extrinsic in DSP Memory Endianextr = Extrinsic DataEndianextr = Data Source Kernel Endianextr = EXT3 EXT2 EXT1 EXT0 EXT7 EXT6 EXT5 EXT4 ArchitectureEXT7 EXT6 EXT5 EXT4 EXT3 EXT2 EXT1 EXT0 MAP Unit Block Diagram Sub-block and Sliding Window SegmentationSubframe Segmentation SP mode only Examples for NUMBLOCK, NUMSUBBLOCK, NUMSW, and WinrelReliability and Prolog Length Calculation Added Features Code RatesValid Re-Encode Symbols Used for Comparison ProgrammingInput Sign Log EquationEDMA3 Parameters in Standalone SA Mode EDMA3 Parameters in Shared Processing SP ModeEDMA3 Resources 1 TCP2 Dedicated EDMA3 ResourcesProgramming Standalone SA Mode Input Configuration Parameters TransferEDMA3 Programming Systematics and Parities TransferInterleaver Indexes Transfer Hard-Decisions Transfer Input Configurations Parameters Programming Output Parameters TransferProgramming Shared-Processing SP Mode Opmod TCPIC0Inter TCPIC0 Outf TCPIC0Input Configuration Parameters Transfer Priori Transfer Extrinsics Transfer Inter TCPIC0 Inter = Outf Output ParametersEvents Generation Debug Mode Pause After Each Map Errors and StatusErrors Error Status ERRUnexpected Signal to Noise Ratio SNR Unexpected Memory Access ACCUnexpected Frame Length F Unexpected Prolog Length PStatus 13.2.12 TCP2 Active State Status Activestate 13.2.13 TCP2 Active Iteration Status Activeiter13.2.14 TCP2 SNR Status snrexceed 13.2.15 TCP2 CRC Status CrcpassRfid Products ApplicationsDSP