Whirlpool MED / GD 9600S, MED / GD 9700S manual 345 675794786 67846977 677

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*Required spacing ￿**For5￿5445side￿73or￿7￿bottom2345678946venting,￿22￿683970" ￿(07￿￿￿cm)5￿7397spacing￿5￿546is allowed￿2 .


*Required spacing

**For side or bottom venting, 0" (0 cm) spacing is allowed.

123455262727896￿￿￿￿￿￿￿9468￿￿￿396￿8￿4￿83￿￿962￿8 96￿￿￿￿￿￿￿946

For cabinet installation, with a door, minimum ventilation openings in the top of the cabinet are required.

*Required spacing

**For side or bottom venting, 0" (0 cm) spacing is allowed.

12345526727896￿￿￿￿￿￿￿9468￿￿￿396￿8￿4￿8￿232￿￿2784￿8 3￿4￿2￿896￿￿￿￿￿￿￿946￿8￿9￿￿8￿￿￿3￿278￿￿￿￿2￿8￿6787￿￿2￿88

The dimensions shown are for the recommended spacing.

*Required spacing

*Required spacing


Image 12
Contents Epic Forward Goals and ObjectivesTable of Contents Page Safety First GeneralModel & Serial Number Designations Model NumberSerial Number Model & Serial Number Label Tech Sheet Locations Specifications 12345 14367389 Purchased.9869374149893467762934899691241473393 12345included.12345467892649 1234546 527932759675445627927345 675794786 67846977 677 123456782967455427646 74727624345456457 5766377275 For a grounded, cord-connected dryer369#8 648 63#644568567 789123456Into a hook shape 42Connect the other wires to outer terminal block screws 33333333333 1234567839333456789336963747322374796 664663747322374 74326374732237427643764732237426263346 1232456728927383 3258412324 522932299662345678834962 12342 1473234392625 349226253222 5672541234563789 759 42836969 5632879766977%%6&997969 Burner Gas Burner Assembly Component LocationsFunnel Removing the Electronic Control Board Relay K1 P2 Removing the Console & Touchpad Subassembly Touchpad Subassembly Console Subpanel Catch Removing the Door Switch To remove the thermal fuse or ther- mistor On the nextTo remove the drive motor To remove the belt switch To remove the heater To remove the high-limit thermostat or the thermal cutoff Removing the BELT, DRUM, & Rollers To remove the belt and drum To remove a roller Removing the Drum Light Socket Squeeze Arms Removing the Moisture Sensor To remove the burner assembly Manifold Clamp Screw To remove the flame sensor To remove the high-limit thermostatComponent Testing HeaterDrive Motor Thermal Fuse Thermistor Thermal Cutoff Electric Dryers only Resistance Tests GAS Burner Coils Burner IgnitorFlame Sensor HIGH-LIMIT ThermostatDiagnostics Diagnostic GuideElectrostatic Discharge ESD Sensitive Electronics Display FAULT/ERROR Codes Diagnostic TestsActivating The Diagnostic Test Mode Diagnostic Console switches and indica- tors Diagnostic Moisture SensorTroubleshooting Troubleshooting GuideTroubleshooting Tests Gas Dryers OnlyElectric Dryers Only Test #2 Motor Circuit Test Test #3 Heater Test Dryer does not heatHeat will not shut off Test #3a Thermistor TestTest #3b Thermal Fuse Test Test #3c GAS Valve Test GAS Dryers onlyTest #3c Thermal Cutoff Test Electric Dryers only Test #4 Moisture Sensor TestE3 error code is displayed None of the LEDs light upParticular group of LEDs does not light up Single LED does not light upIf using a digital meter, the resistance If using an analog meter, the resisChecking The Button Functions Test #6 Door Switch Test Checking The Rotary Cycle SelectorPage Wiring Diagrams Page Product Specifications Warranty Information Sources