Whirlpool MED / GD 9600S, MED / GD 9700S manual 3234392625, 34922625, 3222, 567254

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12345672897Press the CYCLE￿￿4￿￿￿￿￿END4￿2￿￿SIGNAL button to set signal volume to desired level.

Press and hold HOLD TO START button until dryer starts (about second).

Once an Automatic cycle has started, the Extra Care feature and the Cycle End Signal level can be adjusted. Press the OFF button twice to stop the dryer and clear the settings, allowing you to select another cycle and Dryness Level.

This feature improves drying performance with Auto Moisture Sensing Plus, which advances the cycle as moisture is extracted from clothing. A thermistor (electronic temperature sensor) and moisture sensing strips in the dryer drum help measure the amount of moisture in the clothes as they tumble. An electronic control determines the load type to help save time, avoid overdrying, and increase the accuracy of the end dryness level. After the first 5 minutes of an automatic cycle, the estimated time display will adjust based on the approximate load size, cycle, dryness level selected and amount of moisture left in the clothes. When the clothes have reached approximately 80% of the dryness level selected, the estimated time display will adjust again, showing the final drying time. Auto Moisture Sensing Plus takes the guesswork ￿246￿￿494￿9￿69￿4￿￿￿￿￿out of drying time and enhances fabric care.

Rotate the dial to select a Manual Cycle.

Press MANUAL DRY TIME (- or +) buttons until the desired drying time is displayed. Tap - or + and the time will change by 1-minute intervals. Press and hold - or + and the time will change by 5-minute intervals. The initial time displayed is the actual drying time.

The Manual Dry Time feature can be used only with Manual Cycles.

￿￿￿￿￿4Press TEMP until the desired temperature illuminates.

Pressing the Dryness Level button will cause the triple beep indicating that this option is not selectable. Also, a Dryness Level is not indicated.

Press the EXTRA CARE feature button if this option is desired.

Press the CYCLE END SIGNAL button to set volume to desired level.

Press (and hold) HOLD TO START button until dryer starts (about 1 second).

While a Manual Cycle is running, you can change the settings for Time, Temperature, the Extra Care feature, and the Cycle End Signal. Press the OFF button twice to stop the dryer and clear the settings, allowing you to select another cycle.

12344567 839￿ ￿￿￿￿￿


Press OFF twice or open the door.

￿￿9￿5673￿ ￿￿￿2￿￿2567


Open the door or press OFF once.


Close the door and press and hold HOLD TO START button until dryer starts.

￿￿￿￿: Drying will continue from where the cycle was interrupted if you close the door and press Start within 5 minutes. If the cycle is interrupted for more than 5 minutes, the dryer will shut off.

Select new cycle settings before restarting the dryer.

￿362￿3￿ ￿3￿￿￿￿

This feature allows you to lock your settings to avoid unintended use of the dryer. You can also use the Control Locked feature to avoid unintended cycle or option changes during dryer operation.

3￿6￿￿￿￿￿2￿￿￿￿362￿3￿￿￿3￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿29￿￿￿￿￿￿6￿￿￿￿￿￿￿5￿￿ 966567 ￿

Press and hold the CYCLE END SIGNAL button for 3 seconds. The control is locked when a single beep is heard and the Control Locked status light is on.

When the dryer is off, it is not necessary to press the Control On button before activating the Control Locked feature.

3 96 3￿￿

Press and hold the CYCLE END SIGNAL button for 3 seconds to

￿￿￿￿￿turn this feature off.

When the dryer is running and Control Locked is on, the dryer can be stopped by pressing the Off button, but can ?t be restarted until the control is unlocked.

￿￿￿567 ￿6￿ ￿￿￿￿￿￿54￿

Select the correct cycle and dryness level or temperature for your load. If an Automatic Cycle is running, the display shows the estimated cycle time when your dryer is automatically sensing the dryness level of your load. If a Manual Cycle is running, the display shows the exact number of minutes remaining in the cycle.

Cool Down tumbles the load without heat during the last few minutes of all cycles. Cool Down makes the loads easier to handle and reduces wrinkling. The length of the Cool Down depends on the load size and dryness level.


Follow care label directions when they are available.

If desired, add a fabric softener sheet. Follow package instructions.

Remove the load from the dryer as soon as tumbling stops to reduce wrinkling. This is especially important for permanent press, knits and synthetic fabrics.

Avoid drying heavy work clothes with lighter fabrics. This could cause overdrying of lighter fabrics, leading to increased shrinking or wrinkling.


Dry most loads using the preset cycle settings.

Refer to the Automatic or Manual Preset Cycle Settings chart (in the ?Cycles? section) for a guide to drying various loads.

Drying temperature and Dryness Level are preset when you choose an Automatic Cycle. You can choose a different dryness level, depending on your load by pressing the DRYNESS LEVEL button to select MORE or LESS.

If you wish to adjust the cycle length of a Manual Cycle, you must press the MANUAL DRY TIME (- or +) buttons. Adjust the temperature of a Manual Cycle by pressing

￿￿￿￿￿TEMP until the desired temperature is selected.

You cannot choose a Dryness Level with Manual



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Contents Epic Forward Goals and ObjectivesTable of Contents Page Safety First GeneralSerial Number Model & Serial Number DesignationsModel Number Model & Serial Number Label Tech Sheet Locations Specifications 12345 14367389Purchased.9869374149893467762934899691241473393 12345included.12345467892649 1234546 527932759675445627927345 675794786 67846977 677 56457 123456782967455427646747276243454 5766377275 For a grounded, cord-connected dryer369#8 648 63#644568567 789123456Into a hook shape 42Connect the other wires to outer terminal block screws 33333333333 12345678393334567893327643764732237426263346 6963747322374796 664663747322374743263747322374 1232456728927383 32584 12324 522932299662345678834962 12342 1473222 323439262534922625 5672541234563789 36969 759428 5632879766977%%6&997969 Funnel Burner Gas Burner AssemblyComponent Locations Removing the Electronic Control Board Relay K1 P2 Removing the Console & Touchpad Subassembly Touchpad Subassembly Console Subpanel Catch Removing the Door Switch To remove the thermal fuse or ther- mistor On the nextTo remove the drive motor To remove the belt switch To remove the heater To remove the high-limit thermostat or the thermal cutoff Removing the BELT, DRUM, & Rollers To remove the belt and drum To remove a roller Removing the Drum Light Socket Squeeze Arms Removing the Moisture Sensor To remove the burner assembly Manifold Clamp Screw To remove the flame sensor To remove the high-limit thermostatComponent Testing HeaterDrive Motor Thermal Fuse Thermistor Thermal Cutoff Electric Dryers only Resistance Tests GAS Burner Coils Burner IgnitorFlame Sensor HIGH-LIMIT ThermostatElectrostatic Discharge ESD Sensitive Electronics DiagnosticsDiagnostic Guide Activating The Diagnostic Test Mode Display FAULT/ERROR CodesDiagnostic Tests Diagnostic Console switches and indica- tors Diagnostic Moisture SensorTroubleshooting Tests TroubleshootingTroubleshooting Guide Gas Dryers OnlyElectric Dryers Only Test #2 Motor Circuit Test Test #3 Heater Test Dryer does not heatHeat will not shut off Test #3a Thermistor TestTest #3b Thermal Fuse Test Test #3c GAS Valve Test GAS Dryers onlyTest #3c Thermal Cutoff Test Electric Dryers only Test #4 Moisture Sensor TestParticular group of LEDs does not light up E3 error code is displayedNone of the LEDs light up Single LED does not light upChecking The Button Functions If using a digital meter, the resistanceIf using an analog meter, the resis Test #6 Door Switch Test Checking The Rotary Cycle SelectorPage Wiring Diagrams Page Product Specifications Warranty Information Sources