Kenmore 110.88732 Troubleshooting Dryer, Stains, gray whites, dingy colors, Garments damaged

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Stains, gray whites, dingy colors

Did you properly sort the load? Dye transfer can occur when mixing whites and colors in a load. Sort dark clothes from whites and lights.

Was the wash temperature too low? Use hot or warm washes if safe for the load, Make sure your hot water system is adequate to provide a hot water wash.

Did you use enough detergent, or do you have hard water? Use more detergent for washing heavy soils in cold or hard water.

Are the hot and cold water hoses reversed? Check to be

sure the hot and cold water hoses are connected to the right faucets. See "Connect Inlet Hoses" in the Installation Instructions.

Did you follow the manufacturer's directions when adding detergent and fabric softener? Measure detergent and fabric softener. Use enough detergent to remove soil and hold

it in suspension. Dilute fabric softener and add to the rinse portion of a cycle only. Do not drip fabric softener onto clothes.

Is there above average iron (rust) in water? You may need to install an iron filter.

Garments damaged

Were sharp items removed from pockets before washing? Empty pockets, zip zippers, snap or hook fasteners before washing to prevent snagging and tearing of load.

Were strings and sashes tied to prevent tangling? Straps and strings can easily become entangled in the load, causing strain on seams and tearing,

Were items damaged before washing? Mend rips and broken threads in seams before washing.

Did you overload the washer? The wash load must be balanced and not overloaded. Loads should move freely during washing.

Did you add chlorine bleach properly? Do net pour chlorine bleach directly onto load. Wipe up bleach spills. Undiluted bleach will damage fabrics, Do not place load items on top of the bleach dispenser when loading and unloading the washer (on some models), Do not use more than than the manufacturer's recommended amount for a full load.

Did you follow the manufacturer's care label instructions?


First try the solutions suggested here and possibly avoid the cost of a service call...

Dryer will not run

Unusual sounds

Has a household fuse blown, or has a circuit breaker tripped? There may be 2 fuses or circuit breakers for the dryer. Check to make sure both fuses are intact and tight, or that both circuit breakers have not tripped. Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker. If the problem continues, call an electrician.

Is the correct power supply available? This electric dryer requires 120-volt power supply. Check with a qualified electrician.

Was a regular fuse used? Use a time-delay fuse,

Is the dryer door firmly closed?

Was the PUSH TO START DRYER button firmly pressed?

Has the dryer had a period of non-use?If the dryer hasn't been used for a while, there may be a thumping sound during the first few minutes of operation.

Is a coin, button, or paper clip caught between the drum and front or rear of the dryer? Check the front and rear edges of the drum for small objects, Clean out pockets before laundering.

Are the four legs installed, and is the dryer level front to back and side to side? The dryer may vibrate if not properly installed. See the Installation Instructions,

Is the clothing knotted or balled up? When balled up, the load will bounce, causing the dryer to vibrate. Separate the load items and restart the dryer.

No heat

Has a household fuse blown, or has a circuit breaker tripped? The drum may be turning, but you may not have heat. Electric dryers use 2 fuses or circuit breakers. Replace the fuse or reset the circuit breaker. If the problem continues, call an electrician.

Timer does not noticeably advance

Is the dryer set to Timed or Air Dry? The timer moves slowly and continuously for the time setting.

Is the dryer set to Automatic Drying? The timer moves only when the clothing is mostly dry.


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Contents 24 61 cm Wide/120-Volt Sears Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60t 79 U.S.ATable of Contents Protection AgreementsDisclaimer of Implied Warranties Limitation of Remedies Kenmore Appliance WarrantyONE Year Limited Warranty Product RecordWASHER/DRYER Safety Your safety and the safety of others are very importantParts supplied Tools neededMY-HOME If You Have You Will Need to Buy Parts neededMobile Home Additional Installation Requirements Installation ClearancesLaundry Center Dimensions Mobile home installations requireIf using an existing vent system Floor drain system view DElbows Install the rear leveling legsIf this is a new vent system Vent material ExhaustFor laundry tub or standpipe drain systems Install the front leveling legsClear the water lines If you are working in a closet or recessed area Connect the inlet hoses to the washerCheck for leaks Alternate installations for close clearances Optional exhaust installationsSpecial provisions for mobile home installations Determine vent pathPage Press Washer USEHeavyduty Short Watertemp Waterlevel WArM Smallll ROEPermanent Press Heavy DutyPrewash Laundry Tips Dryer USE Push to Start DryerTouch UP To clean Cleaning the interiorEvery load cleaning Laundry Center CareTo winterize laundry center Leaking Troubleshooting WasherWasher wontrun, fill, rinse or agitate washer stops Noisy, vibrating, off-balanceWasher wontdrain or spin, water remains in washer Wash/Rinse temperatureWasher continues to fill or drain, cycle seems stuck Residue or lint on loadStains, gray whites, dingy colors Troubleshooting DryerTimer does not noticeably advance Garments damagedLoads are wrinkled Lint on loadOdors Proteccion DE ProblemasSolucion DE Problemas Contratos Maestros de ProteccibnExclusion DE Garantas Implcitas Limitacion DE Recursos Garanta Limitada DE UN AiioRegistro DEL Producto Seguridad DE LA LAVADORA/SECADORA Su seguridad y la seguridad de los demas es muy importanteHerramientas necesarias Dirnensiones del centro de lavanderia Espacios para la instalacibn6cm Sistema de desagiie en el piso ilustracibn D Las instalaciones en casas rodantes necesitanSistema de desagiie en un lavadero ilustracibn C Peligro de Choque EI6ctrieoInstrucciones Para LA CONEXI6N a Tierra Si usa un sistema de ventilacibn existenteRespiradero Ducto de escape de metal rigidoAbrazaderas La ventilacibn inadecuada puede ocasionar laPara evitar que el agua del desagiie vuelva a la lavadora Instale las Patas niveladoras delanterasPara usarse con desagiJe por el piso Conecte las mangueras de entrada a la lavadora Conecte las mangueras de entrada a los grifos de aguaLimpie el agua de las lineas Revise si hay fugasInstalaciones opcionales del escape Seleccione su tipo de instalacibn de ventilacibnInstalaciones recomendadas de escape Instalaciones alternas para espacios limitadosCuadro del sistema de ventilaci6n Determinacibn de la via del ducto de escapeNo. de Tipo Capotas de Si la secadora no funciona, revise Io siguiente Si no siente calor, revise Io siguienteLiquido inflamable USO DE LA LavadoraPeligro de Incendio Temperatura Para usar con Del agua CalientePermanent Press Planchado permanente Para detener o volver a poner en marcha su lavadoraHeavy Duty Lavado pesado Knit/Delicate Tejidos de punto/DelicadoLavadoenjuague Para detener su secadora USO DE LA SecadoraPara volver a poner en marcha su secadora Consejos de secado De puntoPlanchado Consejos de temperatura y de ciclosImportante Para limpiar el tambor de la secadora Limpieza peribdicaPara lavar En el interior del gabinete de la secadoraSe est salpicando el agua fuera del aro del tambor? Solucion DE Problemas DE LA LavadoraPierde agua La lavadora no desagua ni exprime, el agua queda en la Temperatura de Lavado/EnjuagueSin calor Solucion DE Problemas DE LA SecadoraPrendas dafiadas Estaba la temperatura del agua demasiado baja? ParaEsta el filtro de pelusa obstruido con pelusa? El temporizador no parece avanzarLas prendas estan enredadas o hechas un ovillo? Si la Pelusa en la ropaSerifs