Installation spacing for custom undercounter installation
Custom undercounter installation - Dryer only
| 2"* |
| (5 cm) |
36" min |
(91.4 cm) |
1"* | 27" | 1"* |
(2.5 cm) | (68.6 cm) | (2.5 cm) |
*Required spacing
Closet installation - Dryer only
Recessed or closet installation - Dryer on pedestal
| 14" max. | |
| (35.6 cm) | |
| 18" min.* | |
| (45.72 cm) | |
1" | 27" | 1" | 1"* | 28.65" | 5"** |
(2.5 cm) | (68.6 cm) | (2.5 cm) | (2.5 cm) | (72.77 cm) (12.7 cm) | |
| A |
| B |
| 14" max.* | 48 in.2* | |
| (35.6 cm) | ||
| (310 cm2) |
| 18" min.* |
| |
| (45.72 cm) |
| |
| 24 in.2* |
| (155 cm2) |
1"* | 28.65" | 5"** |
(2.5 cm) (72.77 cm) | (12.7 cm) |
| |
| A |
3"* (7.6 cm)
3"* (7.6 cm)
A. Recessed area
B. Side view - closet or confined area
*Required spacing
**For side or bottom venting, 0" (0 cm) spacing is allowed.
Recommended installation spacing for cabinet installation
■The dimensions shown are for the minimum spacing allowed.
■For cabinet installation, with a door, minimum ventilation openings in the top of the cabinet are required.
7"* (17.8 cm) | 7"* (17.8 cm) |
A. Side view - closet or confined area
B. Closet door with vents
*Required spacing
**For side or bottom venting, 0" (0 cm) spacing is allowed.
(22.9 cm)
5"** | 28.65" | 1"* | 1" | 27" | 1" |
(12.7 cm) | (72.77 cm) (2.5 cm) (2.5 cm)(68.6 cm) (2.5 cm) |
*Required spacing
**For side or bottom venting, 0" (0 cm) spacing is allowed.