Effects List
12: Hall 2
Simulates the reverberation in a concert hall. This is suitable for simulating a smaller room, and produces a clear reverberation.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Pre Low Freq | Frequency of the low range | |
Pre Low Gain | Gain of the low range | |
Pre Mid Freq | Frequency of the middle range | |
Pre Mid Q | 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, | Width of the middle range |
| 4.0, 8.0 | Set a higher value for Q to nar- |
| row the range to be affected. |
Pre Mid Gain | Gain of the middle range | |
Pre Hi Freq | Frequency of the high range | |
Pre Hi Gain | Gain of the high range | |
Rev Time | Duration (time) of the reverb | |
Pre Dly Time | Adjusts the delay time from the | |
| direct sound until the reverb |
| sound is heard. |
Density | Density of the reverb | |
Room Size | Size of the room which is simu- | |
| lated |
Early Ref Lev- | Volume level of the initial reflect- | |
el |
| ed sound |
Low Damp | Adjusts the frequency below | |
Freq |
| which sound fed back to the ef- |
| fect will be cut. |
| The Low Damp function damps |
| the low frequency band of the re- |
| verb sound quicker than other |
| bands. |
Low Damp | Degree of Low Damp | |
Gain |
Hi Damp Freq | Adjusts the frequency above | |
| which sound fed back to the ef- |
| fect will be cut. |
| High Damp, by attenuating the |
| higher frequencies first. |
Hi Damp Gain | Degree of High Damp | |
Post HC Freq | Frequency at which the high cut | |
| THRU | filter will begin to take effect |
| (THRU: no filter is used) |
13: Hall 3
Simulates the reverberation in a concert hall. This is suitable for simulating a fairly large room, and produces reverberation with a strong mid and low range.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Pre Low Freq | Frequency of the low range | |
Pre Low Gain | Gain of the low range | |
Pre Mid Freq | Frequency of the middle range | |
Pre Mid Q | 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 2.0, | Width of the middle range |
| 4.0, 8.0 | Set a higher value for Q to nar- |
| row the range to be affected. |
Pre Mid Gain | Gain of the middle range | |
Pre Hi Freq | Frequency of the high range | |
Pre Hi Gain | Gain of the high range | |
Rev Time | Duration (time) of the reverb | |
Pre Dly Time | Adjusts the delay time from the | |
| direct sound until the reverb |
| sound is heard. |
Density | Density of the reverb | |
Room Size | Size of the room which is simu- | |
| lated |
Early Ref Lev- | Volume level of the initial reflect- | |
el |
| ed sound |
Release Densi- | Density of the sound that reaches | |
ty |
| the listener after many repeated |
| reflections |
Low Damp | Adjusts the frequency below | |
Freq |
| which sound fed back to the ef- |
| fect will be cut. |
| The Low Damp function damps |
| the low frequency band of the re- |
| verb sound quicker than other |
| bands. |
Low Damp | Degree of Low Damp | |
Gain |
Hi Damp Freq | Adjusts the frequency above | |
| which sound fed back to the ef- |
| fect will be cut. |
| High Damp, by attenuating the |
| higher frequencies first. |
Hi Damp Gain | Degree of High Damp | |
Post HC Freq | Frequency at which the high cut | |
| THRU | filter will begin to take effect |
| (THRU: no filter is used) |