Effects List
Parameter | Value | Description |
Total Noise | Total noise level. | |
Scratch | Scratches on the record. | |
Dust | Dust on the record. | |
Hiss | Continuous hissing noise. | |
| These settings add the typical |
| record’s noise. The noises increase |
| as the values are raised. Set each of |
| the Scratch, Dust, and Hiss noise |
| levels to get a balance, the adjust |
| the overall amount of noise with |
| the Total Noise Level control. |
Total Wow/ | Total wow and flutter. | |
Flutter |
Wow | Wow, long cycle rotational irregu- | |
| larity. |
Flutter | Flutter, short cycle rotational ir- | |
| regularity. |
Random | Random rotational irregularity. | |
| These settings determine the rota- |
| tional irregularities of the record |
| player. Set each of the Wow, Flut- |
| ter, and Random levels to get a |
| balance, the adjust the overall |
| depth of the effect with the Total |
| Wow/Flutter control. |
Balance | DRY100:0WET– | Volume balance between the di- |
| DRY0:100WET | rect sound (DRY) and the effect |
| sound (WET) |
39: Radio Tuning
This effect reproduces the sound of an AM radio playing.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Tuning | Adjusts the degree of noise that oc- | |
| curs when tuning a radio. |
Noise Level | Sets the noise level. | |
Frequency | Sets the frequency response of the | |
Range |
| radio. |
| Lowering the value worsens the |
| frequency characteristics, making |
| the sound appear to be coming |
| from a tiny radio speaker. |
Balance | DRY100:0WET– | Volume balance between the direct |
| DRY0:100WET | sound (DRY) and the effect sound |
| (WET) |
40: Bit Rate Converter
By changing the bit count and sample rate, this effect recreates the
Parameter | Value | Description |
Pre Filter | OFF, ON | This is the switch of the filter placed |
Sw |
| before the |
Sample | 1/1, 1/2, 1/4, | Sets the fraction of current sampling |
Rate | 1/8, 1/16, 1/32 | rates to be used for processing. |
Parameter | Value |
| Description |
| |
| |
Bit Down |
| This setting is for reducing the bit | ||||
| count. |
Post Filter | OFF, ON |
| This is the switch of the filter placed | |||
Sw |
| after the | ||
Balance | DRY100:0WET– |
| Volume balance between the direct | |||
| DRY0:100WET |
| sound (DRY) and the effect sound | |||
| (WET) |
Filter Type | Type of filter |
| |
| THRU: no filter is used |
| |||
| LPF: Passes frequencies below the Cutoff. |
| |||
| BPF: Passes frequencies near the Cutoff. |
| |||
| HPF: Passes frequencies above the Cutoff. |
| |||
| NOTCH: Passes frequencies other than those near the | |||||
| Cutoff. |
| |
| Level |
| Level |
| Freq. | Freq. |
| |
| LPF |
| HPF |
| Level |
| Level |
| Freq. | Freq. |
| |
| BPF |
Filter Slope |
| Filter’s attenuation slope | ||||
| |
| |
Filter Cut- |
| Cutoff frequency of the filter | ||||
off |
| The closer to zero it is set, the lower | ||
| the cutoff frequency becomes; set it | ||
| closer to 127, and the cutoff fre- | ||
| quency becomes higher. |
Filter Reso- |
| Resonance level of the filter | ||||
nance |
| Raising the setting increases reso- | ||
| nance near the cutoff frequency, | ||
| giving the sound a special charac- | ||
| teristic. |
Filter Gain | 0– +24 dB |
| Compensates for the volume | |||
| dropped in the cut frequency range | ||
| with some filters. |
| The level of compensation increases | ||
| as the value is increased, and raise | ||
| the volume. |
41: Pseudo Stereo
Spreads the components of the monaural input sound to left and right, creating an artificial sense of stereo output.
Parameter | Value | Description |
Depth | Spaciousness of the sound field |