ResMed 60891/1 manual Cleaning the Mirage Swift II between Patients, Reassembling the Mirage Swift

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Handwash the headgear, tube retainer and all components in warm, (approx. 30°C), soapy water. Use pure soap. Rinse the components well and allow them to air dry out of direct sunlight.


Do not use solutions containing bleach, chlorine, alcohol, aromatics, moisturizers, antibacterial agents, or scented oils to clean any part of the system or air tubing. These solutions may cause damage and reduce the life of the product.

Exposing any part of the system or tubing to direct sunlight or heat may cause deterioration.

If any visible deterioration of a component is apparent (cracking, crazing, tears etc), the component should be discarded and replaced.

Cleaning the Mirage Swift II between Patients

All system components other than the short tube assembly can be disinfected/ sterilized using validated procedures. Clinicians should refer to the Masks Disinfection/Sterilization Guide for details.

The short tube assembly should not be reused. It should be replaced between patients.

To clean the headgear between patients use the method described in the previous section “Cleaning the Mirage Swift II in the Home”.

Reassembling the Mirage Swift II


Components of the Mirage Swift II pillow sleeve assembly (pillow sleeve, frame and clip—see section A on the illustration sheet) are not compatible for use with Mirage Swift components. Combining these components from the two systems may result in rebreathing of exhaled air.

See section D on the illustrations sheet.

1Make sure both seal rings are properly fitted to the headgear rings (D-1).

2 Assemble the pillow sleeve assembly. To do this:

a Wrap the pillow sleeve around the frame. Then insert the pillow sleeve edges into the groove of the frame (D-2a).

b Hold the clip at one end and then slide it onto the frame to secure the pillow sleeve in place (D-2b).



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Contents Mirage Swift Page Pillow sleeve Mirage SwiftTM Medical Information Intended Use Fitting the Mirage Swift Parts of the Mirage SwiftRemoving the Mirage Swift Disassembling for Cleaning Cleaning the Mirage Swift II in the HomeDaily Cleaning the Mirage Swift II between Patients Reassembling the Mirage SwiftWeekly Additional Information DisposalReassembling the Headgear Technical Specifications Ordering Information SymbolsLimited Warranty Page Verwendungszweck Medizinische HinweiseWarnungen und Vorsichtshinweise Bestandteile der Mirage Swift Anlegen der Mirage Swift Demontage zu Reinigungszwecken Abnehmen der Mirage SwiftReinigung der Mirage Swift II zu Hause TäglichWöchentlich Wiederzusammenbau der Mirage Swift Weitere Informationen EntsorgungWiederzusammenbau des Kopfbandes Technische Daten Bestellinformationen SymboleBeschränkte Garantie Usage prévu Informations médicalesAvertissements et précautions Composants du masque narinaire Mirage Swift Mise en place du masque narinaire Mirage Swift Démontage pour le nettoyage Retrait du masque narinaire Mirage SwiftNettoyage du masque narinaire Mirage Swift II à domicile QuotidienHebdomadaire Remontage du masque narinaire Mirage Swift Nettoyage du masque narinaire Mirage Swift II entre patientsInformations supplémentaires EliminationRemontage du harnais Caractéristiques Informations de commande SymbolesGarantie limitée Indicazioni per l’uso Informazioni medicheAvvertenze e precauzioni Parti del sistema Mirage Swift Applicazione del sistema Mirage Swift Smontaggio per la pulizia Rimozione dei cuscinetti Mirage SwiftPulizia del sistema Mirage Swift II a domicilio Operazioni quotidianeOperazioni settimanali Riassemblaggio del sistema Mirage Swift Altre informazioni SmaltimentoRiassemblaggio del copricapo Specifiche tecniche Informazioni per le ordinazioni SimboliGaranzia Limitata Uso indicado Información médicaAdvertencias y precauciones Piezas del sistema Mirage Swift Colocación del sistema Mirage Swift Desmontaje para efectuar la limpieza Procedimiento para retirar el sistema Mirage SwiftLimpieza del sistema Mirage Swift II en el hogar DiariaSemanal Esterilización de las mascarillas Procedimiento para volver a montar el sistema Mirage SwiftInformación adicional EliminaciónProcedimiento para volver a montar del arnés Especificaciones técnicas Información de pedido SímbolosGarantía limitada Função Informação médicaAvisos e Precauções Componentes do Mirage Swift Colocação do Mirage Swift Desmontagem para limpeza Remoção do Mirage SwiftLimpeza do sistema Mirage Swift II entre pacientes Limpeza do sistema Mirage Swift II em casaDiariamente SemanalmenteMonte o conjunto da manga da almofada. Para o fazer Montagem do sistema Mirage SwiftInformações adicionais EliminaçãoEspecificações técnicas Resistência Pressão de terapiaInformações para encomendas Garantia Limitada Avsedd användning Medicinisk informationVarningar & säkerhetsföreskrifter Passa in Mirage Swift Delar i Mirage SwiftObs Ta bort Mirage SwiftTa isär Mirage Swift II för rengöring Rengöra Mirage Swift II i hemmetVarje dag Montera Mirage Swift Rengöra Mirage Swift II mellan olika patienterVarje vecka SE UPPÖvrig information Bortskaffning av produktenSätta ihop hättan Information om dead space Tekniska specifikationerStandarder BehandlingstryckBeställningsinformation SymbolerBegränsad garanti Page