It is advantageous to recharge frequently rather than only whennecessary.Infact,abattery’slifeisextendedifthecharge level is maintained well above a low condition.
Tif one (1) battery is defective.
TRecommended Battery Types
E |
| |
R | ||
The warranty and performance specifi- | ||
I | ||
cations contained in this manual are |
Ebased on the use of deep cycle gel cell S or sealed lead acid batteries. Invacare strongly recommends their use as the
power source for this unit.
Failure to use the correct battery size and/ or voltage may cause damage to your wheelchair and give you unsatisfactory performance.
POWERCHAIR | QTY | VOLTS | Standard | Optional |
Arrow |
w/ motor/gearbox | 2 | 12 | Group24 | Group22 |
w/ G/B motor | 2 | 12 | Group22 | Group24 |
Torque |
with motor/gearbox | 2 | 12 | Group22 | Group24 |
with G/B motor | 2 | 12 | Group22 | Group24 |
Torque SP |
with motor/gearbox | 2 | 12 | Group22 | N/A |
with G/B motor | N/A | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Storm X |
with motor/gearbox | 2 | 12 | Group22 | Group24 |
with G/B motor | 2 | 12 | Group22 | Group24 |
NOTE: G/B denotes gearless/brushless.
NOTE: Both battery sizes are deep cycle batteries.
NOTE: Charge batteries daily. It is critical not to let them run low at any time.
1.Remove the battery box(es) from the wheelchair. Re- fertoINSTALLING/REMOVINGGROUP24BATTERY BOXESorINSTALLING/REMOVINGGROUP22BAT- TERY BOX in this procedure of the manual.
2.Removetheexistingbatteriesfromthebatterybox(es). RefertoINSTALLING/REMOVINGBATTERIESINTO/ FROM BATTERY BOX(ES) in this procedure of the manual.
3.Clean the new battery terminals. Refer to CLEANING BATTERYTERMINALSinthisprocedureofthemanual.
4.Install the new batteries into the battery box(es). Refer toINSTALLING/REMOVINGBATTERIESINTO/FROM BATTERY BOX(ES) in this procedure of the manual.
Cleaning Battery Terminals
Most batteries are not sold with instructions. However, warnings are frequently noted on the cell caps. Read them carefully.
DO NOT allow the liquid in the battery to come in contact with skin, clothes or other possessions. It is a form of acid and harmful or damaging burns may result. Should the liquid touch your skin, wash the area IM- MEDIATELY and thoroughly with cool wa- ter. In serious cases or if eye contact is made, seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY.
1.Examine the battery clamps and terminals for corrosion.
3.Clean the terminals and inside the battery clamps by usingabatterycleaningtool,wirebrush,ormediumgrade sand paper.
NOTE: Upon completion, these areas should be shiny, not dull.
4. Carefully dust off all metal particles.
NOTE: To remove the battery boxes from the wheelchair, reversethefollowingprocedure.
NOTE: FWD wheelchairs only - Remove the counter- weightbeforeperformingthisprocedure.RefertoREMOV- ING/INSTALLING COUNTERWEIGHT in PROCE- DURE 16 of this manual.
1.Verify that the ON/OFF switch on the joystick is in the OFF position.
2.Placetwo(2)connectorbatteryboxontothebatterysub- frame assembly with guide pins facing the inside of the wheelchair.
3.Slide the two (2) connector battery box along the sub-
(2) connector battery box.
NOTE: Visually inspect to ensure the connection is prop- erly made. Connectors MUST be fully engaged.