AOJUSTMENT | 1. Depression Prism Unit |
1.Depression Prism Unit
First, proceed to the optical axis adjustment of only the depression prism
1)Attach standard straight tube and Kellner eyepiece 028006) to the tube of microscope (X, Y or S) and place the test plate (check pattem micrometer) on the stage, coinciding the center oi the test' piate to that of the eyepiece viewfield, using 1OX objective.
2)Remove the standard straight tube (do not move the test pia te), and attach the depression prism to the microscope.
3)Pushing the specific .straight cube (provided with Kellner eyepiece) against the depression prism unit with the hand, see a displacement of the center of the test pia te from that of the eyepiece viewfield. If the displacement is r'ound
within a range of 5 scale fines. it will be possible by attaching the binocular tube, and moving the center of the viewfield, to adjust the rotation axis.
D~prcmon D~is1n body \
Fig. 30
<ln the Case of a Larger Displacement of the Cent9r >
1)Moving lens chamber Q) (with @ and @ inside) make the displacement within a ~'.m"?e of 5 scale lines in the Kcllner eyepiece. !tis desirable to keep lens chamber G) at the center of the hole.