REPAIR ANO AOJUSTMENT | 1. Failure of the Slide Glass Retainer 2. Slack of the Slide Glass Carrier |
3. Wobbling of the Slide Glass Retainer and the Slide Glass Carrier |
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1.Failure of the Slide Glass Retainer
Cause: (1) The yielded or disengaged sp1ral spring @.
(2)Looseness of the small t1at head screw@.
<Repair and Adjustment >
(!)Exchange the yielded spiral spring @ or hook the disengaged spring to the pin hole.
Procedure j
i) Disassemble the retamer assembly following the procedure 2), 3) (P. 5).
ü) If the spring is yielded replace it with a spare, and if the spring is disengaged, reposition it correctly foilowing the reassembling proced.ure (P. 7).
ili) Check the function of repaired retainer.
(2)If the small ílat head screw @ is loosened fasten it firm and check the retainer function.
2.Slack of the Slide Gim Carrier
Cause: Looseness of the screws @
<Repair and Adjustment >
Fasten firm the screws @ . Make sure that no slack is found.
3.Wobbling of the Slide Glass Retainer and the Slide Gim Carrier.
Wobbling in X direction: Refer to the following chapter 4.
Wobbling in Y direction: Refer to the following chapter 5.
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