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REPAIR ANO ADJUSTMENT | 6. Failure of the X (right and left) Handle Function | |
6.Failure of the X (right and left) Handle Function
(Improper torque to tum the X knob due to inferior fttting of the bush @ )
Cause: (!) Loosenessofthenut@.
(2)The weared De!rin washers @ on the knob @ side and the pinion side @, the weared or deformed wave washer @ and the tlat washer @.
<Repair and Adjustment >
( 1) The loosened nut @ is to be fastened.
Then, check the X knob torque (or fitting of the bush @).
(2)The weared Delrin washers @ are to be replaced with spares. The sarne for the weared or deformed wave washer @ and the tlat washer @.
(For the Delrin washer @, wave washer @ and flat washer @ on the handle
@ side)
i)Follow the disassembling procedure of the stage 4) - 8) (P. 4).
ii)Exchange the weared wasi1er@ and follow the reassembling procedure of the handle (P. 8).
ili) Check the torque to tum the X knob @.
(For the Delrin washer @ on the pinion @ side)
i)Followthedisassemblingprocedure4)- IJ) (P.4).
ü) Exchange the weared washer @ and follow the reassembling procedure of the
handle (P. 8).
ili) Check the torque to tum the X knob @ .
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