12)Remove the beirin washer @ .
13)Remove the X pinion@@ together with the Delrin washer@ . (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3
14)Releasing the screws@x2, separate the vernier scale seat@ from the stage base plate(3). (Fig. 4)
15)Releasing the screws @x4 separate the X guide block@ from the Y guide blocks @ , @.
At the sarne time the X block (D. the rollers@ the retainers(V and the guide rails @@ are also separated.
16)Remove the X rack@ from the X block(D.
17)Separa te the guide block either @ or @. from the stage upper pia te G). Then the stage base plate 0 the rollers@, the retainers(Z) and the guide rails @ becomes free. (Fig. 5)
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