REPAIR ANO AOJUSTMENT | 4. Wobbling in X {right and left) Movement |
4.Wobbling in X (right and left) Movement
Cause: (!) Slack, sticking, squeezing in the X gu1de rail assembly.
a)Inferior meshing of the rack @ and the pinion @.
b)Dent on the X guide rails @ , @ ,the rollers@ or deformed retainers
e)Dust, soil, scratch on teeth of the rack @ or the pinion @.
(2)Looseness of the screws @ or inferior adjustment of the X guide block@.
<.Repair and Adjustment >
i)Detach the slide holder assembly from the stage.
ü) Releasing the screws@x4 separate the X guide block@from the Y guide
bloclcs @ , @ .
Then, the X movement block(D, the rollers@, the retainers(Z) and the guide
rails @ , @ will be rnade free simultaneously.
üi) The rack @ position is to be adjusted slightly releasing the screws @x 2 .
iv)The pinion @ position is to be adjusted slightly releasing the screws@ • 2.
v)Follow the reassembling procedure.
vi)Check the rack and pinion rneshing and the wobbling in the X rnovement.
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