oInclination 5.2° of prisms @ and @ from the optical axis, which is made possible by the parailel light rays after @ and @. to avoid goast images caused by retlection on the prisms.
•Optical axis of @, @ in Photo·tube, though cause haJving, on account of the inclination of @ and @,are assumed to be that, if not such halving would be considered, i.e. the elongation of the axis of @ @.
•As shown in Fig. 14, the images at OL and ÜR are produced by the parallel ray beams between @,@) and @, @), aswellas @),@) and @, @.
•Image position Qp of
•Image positions ÜL and ÜR in the binocular body are adjusted by rneans of eyepiece sleeve cover
@, so that they are parfocal with t.!te image Qp of Photo·tube.
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