Calling the Automated Attendant
Calling the Automated Attendant
Outside callers can return to the Automated Attendant for additional dialing options.
Automated Attendant callers can use various IntraMail features and then return to the Automated Attendant for additional dialing options. This lets the caller dial other extensions, leave messages for
❥Automated Attendant Transfer (page 27)
An extension user can transfer their outside call to the Automated Attendant so the outside caller can use the Automated Attendant dialing options.
❥Next Call Routing Mailbox (page 79)
The Next Call Routing Mailbox provides callers with additional dialing options after they leave a mes- sage in a mailbox (depending on the setting of the Dialing Option).
Turn to Automated Attendant Transfer (page 27) and Next Call Routing Mailbox (page 79).
Features | IntraMail |
DSX Feature Handbook | IntraMail Features ◆ 37 |