computer playback is available if only your telset is used. Since the player shares the same credentials with My CallPilot, no login to the CallPilot server is necessary. The only requirement is that you do not close the browser window while working with a greeting, or the recording could be lost.
Once you are done with the greeting, you should refresh the Greetings page to update the page content.
Setting an expiry date
You can also set an expiry date for temporary greetings from the Greetings page. The expiry date/time corresponds to the date/time on the CallPilot server. The expiry date is validated by My CallPilot.
Removing voice greetings and personal verification
Voice greetings and personal verification can be removed by pressing the Delete button. You must confirm the deletion before the voice greeting or personal verification is removed.
Personal Verification allows you to record your name in your own voice, so callers can