BT Diverse 5450 ~ 6th Edition ~ 29th August ’03 ~ 5199
You choose to have up to 3 individual mailboxes for messages. If you do, you will need to record an appropriate outgoing message. For example, ‘Hello, your call cannot be taken at the moment. To leave a message for John, press 1, for Suzy press 2, for Alan press 3 and then speak after the tone’.
When the answering machine takes a call, your BT Diverse 5450 will play your Answer and Record message and then your caller can leave a message.
Answer Only
In Answer Only mode, there is no
When the answering machine takes a call, your BT Diverse 5450 will play your Answer Only announcement but will not allow your caller to leave a message.
Record outgoing messages
To record your own outgoing message
The minimum outgoing message length is 4 seconds and maximum length is 2 minutes and 50 seconds.
Note (cont)
If you record a message of less than 4 seconds, the display shows Recording too short! If you pause during recording for longer than
2 seconds, recording stops.
Press the RIGHT button.
Press DOWN to scroll to
Voice Mail.
OK Press OK.
Press DOWN to scroll to
OK Press OK. Display shows Record Announcement.
If you want to record a message for Answer and Record:
OK Press OK.
If you want to record a message for Answer Only:
Press DOWN to scroll to
Record Announce Only.
OK Press OK.
The display shows Press OK
Speak after the tone.
OK Press OK to confirm you are ready to record your message. After you hear the short beep, speak your outgoing message clearly into the handset.
BT Diverse Helpline – 08457 908 070