Woodstock W1811 manual e\iXc, JX\kp?XY`kj

Page 32




This machine will perform many types of operations that are beyond the scope of this manual. Many of these operations can be dangerous or deadly if performed incorrectly.

The instructions in this section are written with the understanding that the operator has the necessary knowledge and skills to operate this machine. If at any time you are experiencing difficulties performing any operation, stop using the machine!

If you are an inexperienced operator, we strongly recommend that you read books, industry magazines, or seek training from an experienced Jc`[`e^KXYc\JXn operator before performing any unfamiliar operations. Above all, your safety should come first!

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Your safety is important. Always think about safety when operating this machine. The operator is ultimately responsible for their own safety, as well as the safety of bystanders. Every cutting operation is different and may require safety equipment or safety procedures not mentioned in this manual. Use common sense!


Stand to the left of the blade line-of-cut when performing a cutting operation.

Turn the saw F== and allow the blade to come to a complete stop before removing the cut-off piece.

Make sure that the riving knife is always aligned with the main blade before cutting!

Always make sure the blade guard is installed and works correctly.

Carefully plan each cutting operation to avoid injuries.

When you release the sliding table lock, make sure that the knob is positioned so that it will not lock the table during a cut.


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Image 32
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page Fek\ekj NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfik Fm\im`\nfDXZ`e\FekifcjXe=\Xkli\j B68=C HE886IDCH `gg`e`d\ej`fej Cross Cut Miter Cut 45º Fence not extended +/$*&+ Ripping Width Cross CutMiter Cut 90º Miter Cut 45º Push cut J8=KP  D8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP% `k`feXcJX\kpfiJc``eKXYc\JXnj Gi\m\ek`eB`ZbYXZb Gifk\Zk`ePflij\c =ifdB`ZbYXZbCfjjXipFK\idj =`li\% L6-30 Plug and outlet Ok\ej`fefij\Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej @k\djE\\\fiJ\klg LegXZb`e\jZi`gk`fe Hkp Hex Wrenches 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8mm@em\ekfip@k\d1=`li\j*Æ-  @em\ekfip@em\ekfipfek\ekj @em\ekfip@k\d1=`li\.Æ0  88%89% Fk\i?XinXi\efkjfne  HkpDXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek c\Xe`eDXZ`e\ `k`eDfm`e =`li\% Lifting the table saw+. Put a 12mm flat washer, 12mm lock washer and M12 8jj\dYcpJ\klgKfXjj\dYc\k\jc``ekXYc\jXn#fk\j\jk\gj1 =`li\/% Rip fence rail mounting Plate =`li\% Rip fence installed on fence BaseSpacing =`li\*% Support leg installed Support LegArm Over both T-nuts, and tighten the knobs =`li\+#=`li\ =`li\*% Sliding table handle attached =`li\*% Magnetic switch installedFlat washers Jklg Scoring Blade Elevation Scoring Controls Lock$%, ?fj\ Jlggfik XgJZi\n $%,o =`li\+% Hose support installedPush Handle Ljkfcc\Zk`fe W1038 Run the 2½ hose over the hose support, as shown in =`li\++ =`li\++% Dust hose support in useGfn\ifee\Zk`fe \jkIleOn Button Stop ButtonDisconnect SAW from Power Kfk\jkilek\jXn#fk\j\jk\gj1\e\iXc JX\kp?XY`kjNfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`fe Kifllkj Efe$KiflKifl LkjEfe$Kifllkj GX\ Arbor Lock Tool =`li\,.% Replacing the main blade\ekfLj\k\9cX\lXi =`li\,% Blade guard assembly9cX\lXi `m`eBe`\ \eEfkkfLj\k\I`m`eBe`\`m`eBe`\ =`li\,% Illustration of a typical riving Knife =`li\,% Height difference between Riving knife and blade`m`eBe`\8aljkd\ek KfXaljkk\i`m`ebe`\#fk\j\jk\gj1Loosen the riving knife center bolt as shown in =`li\ =`li\,,% Riving knife alignment with Blade=`li\,0% Checking and adjusting scoring Blade positioning JZfi`e9cX\@ejkXccXk`fe 8aljkd\ekDrill Bits 7⁄32 and 13⁄32 Xf9cX\@ejkXccXk`fe@k\djE\\\ Hkp Countersink the holes you drilled in Jk\g. see Insert see =`li\-+`glkk`e `glkk`en`kJc``eKXYc\`glkk`en`kI`g=\eZ\ Slide the crosscut table out of the way=`li\-0% Rip fence positionsIfjjZlkk`e IfjjZlkk`eLj`eI`g=\eZ\XjXlk$FXl\IfjjZlkk`e=lccJ`q\GXe\cj IfjjZlkk`eJdXcc\iGXe\cjIfjjZlkk`e Lj`e I`g =\eZ\ Xj X lk$F Xl\ =`li\.,% Crosscut fence mounting Points`k\ilkk`e Kfg\ifidXd`k\iZlk#fk\j\jk\gj1=`li\.0% Cutting with dado blade Xflkk`eLj`eXXf9cX\ Jk\gj1 Lj`eXJkXeXi9cX\KfdXb\XXfZlkn`kXjkXeXiYcX\#fk\j\ IXYY\klkk`e 8kkXZ`eXJXZi``Z`Xc=\eZ\Figure /,. Second cut to create a rabbet Perform the second cut to complete the rabbetKfYl`ck\i\jXnYXii`\i#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jXnlkk`e\jXn9Xii`\i \jXn`eFg\iXk`fej Kfg\ifidi\jXn`efg\iXk`fej#fk\j\jk\gj1Stick to feed the workpiece through the blade, using When the resawing is complete as shown in =`li\Slow and steady feed rate Flip the workpiece end for end, keeping the sameKXYc\9Xj\ JZ\lc\\Xe`e ClYi`ZXk`fe D8@EKE8EBolt \ckJ\im`Z\DX`e9\ckI\gcXZ\d\ek —Jkfg 9cX\K`ckXc`YiXk`feJZfi`e9\ckI\gcXZ\d\ek +% Tighten the two set screws in the stop nut Jc``eKXYc\GXiXcc\c`jd+,—Jkfg Jc``eKXYc\8aljkd\ek ControlsFigure . Fence adjustment test piece Stop Bolt Figure *. Crosscut fence adjustment Cam\Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fej At least this long before working on capacitorsSee =`li\ `i`e`XiXdSee =`li\+ =`li\+% Magnetic switch \Zki`ZXcG`Zkli\jKiflYc\jffk`e Dfkfic\Zki`ZXcFg\iXk`fe G8IKJ CXY\cjfjd\k`ZjXY`e\k Kilee`fe DX`eDfkfi Blade Guard Sliding Table Sliding Table Parts List KXYc\j `g=\eZ\ ?Xen\\cj DescriptionJZfi`eKilee`fe IfjjZlkKXYc\ Jn`e8id `k\iXl\ IfjjZlk=\eZ\ NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fe Modeltec Shop Notes Other Old House Journal Shotgun NewsPlace Stamp Here N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah