Woodstock W1811 manual `k`feXcJX\kpfiJc``eKXYc\JXnj

Page 11



I<8;Xe[le[\ijkXe[k_`j \ek`i\ `ejkilZk`fe dXelXc Y\]fi\lj`e^k_`jdXZ_`e\% J\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip dXp fZZli `] jX]\kp Xe[ fg\iXk`feXc`e]fidXk`fe`j efk le[\ijkff[ Xe[ ]fc$ cfn\[% ;F EFK i`jb pfli jX]\kpYpefki\X[`e^

LJ<k_`jXe[fk_\idXZ_`e\ipn`k_ZXlk`fe Xe[ i\jg\Zk% 8cnXpj Zfej`[\i jX]\kp ]`ijk# Xj `k Xggc`\j kf pfli `e[`m`[lXc nfib`e^ Zfe[`k`fej%Efc`jkf]jX]\kp^l`[\c`e\jZXe Y\ Zfdgc\k\Ç\m\ip j_fg \em`ifed\ek `j [`]]\i\ek%=X`cli\kf]fccfn^l`[\c`e\jZflc[ i\jlck `e j\i`flj g\ijfeXc `ealip# [XdX^\ kf\hl`gd\ekfigffinfibi\jlckj%


(% J8=<KP 8::<JJFI@<J% Always use the blade guard and riving knife on all ''through-sawing'' opera- tions. K_ifl^_$jXn`e^fg\iXk`fejXi\k_fj\n_\ek_\YcX[\ZlkjZfdgc\k\cpk_ifl^_k_\nfibg`\Z\%

)% B@:B98:B%Be familiar with kickback. Kickback happens when the workpiece is thrown towards the operator at a high rate of speed. Lek`cpfl_Xm\XZc\Xile[\ijkXe[`e^f]b`ZbYXZbXe[_fn`kfZZlij# ;FEFKfg\iXk\k_`jkXYc\jXn

*% NFIBG@<:<:FEKIFC% Make sure the workpiece is placed in a stable position on the table and is either supported by the rip fence or the crosscut table during cutting operations.

+% GLJ?JK@:B% Always use a push stick when ripping narrow stock.

,% FG<I8KFIGFJ@K@FE% Never stand or have any part of your body directly in-line with the cutting path of the saw blade.

-% I<8:?@E>FM<IJ8N9C8;<% Never reach behind or over the blade with either hand while the saw is running. @]b`ZbYXZbfZZlijn_`c\i\XZ_`e^fm\ik_\YcX[\#_Xe[jfiXidjZflc[Y\glcc\[`ekfk_\ jg`ee`e^jXnYcX[\%

.% LJ@E> K?< I@G =<E:< 8E; K?< :IFJJ:LK =<E:< KF><K?<I ;LI@E> 8 :LKK@E> FG<I8K@FE% When using the crosscut fence, the workpiece should never be contacting the rip fence while the saw blade is cutting.

/% JK8CC<;9C8;<% Turn the saw F== before attempting to "free" a stalled saw blade.

0% :FD=FIK89C<:LKK@E>FG<I8K@FEJ% Avoid awkward operations and hand positions where a sud- den slip could cause your hand to move into the spinning saw blade.

('%<OG<I@<E:@E>;@==@:LCK@<J%If at any time you are experiencing difficulties performing the intend- ed operation, stop using the machine! Contact Tech Support at (360) 734-3482.

((% 9C8;< ?<@>?K% DO NOT make cuts with the blade height more than 14" above the top of the workpiece, or the operator will be unnecessarily exposed to the blade during the cut.

()%;8D8><;J8N9C8;<J% Never use blades that have been dropped or otherwise damaged.

(*% I@M@E>BE@=<8C@>ED<EK%Only operate the saw if the riving knife is aligned with the main blade.


Image 11
Contents DLCGHB6CJ6A Page Fek\ekj Fm\im`\nfDXZ`e\ NffjkfZbK\Ze`ZXcJlggfikFekifcjXe=\Xkli\j B68=C HE886IDCH `gg`e`d\ej`fej Cross Cut Miter Cut 45º Fence not extended +/$*&+ Ripping Width Cross Cut Miter Cut 90º Miter Cut 45º Push cut J8=KP  D8BJLIL8IJ8I@EGC88ENFIBFIIKCP9=FILJ@ED8?@EIP% `k`feXcJX\kpfiJc``eKXYc\JXnj Gifk\Zk`ePflij\c =ifdB`ZbYXZb Gi\m\ek`eB`ZbYXZbCfjjXipFK\idj =`li\% L6-30 Plug and outlet Ok\ej`fefij\Zki`ZXcJg\Z``ZXk`fej Hex Wrenches 3, 4, 5, 6, & 8mm @k\djE\\\fiJ\klgLegXZb`e \jZi`gk`fe Hkp@em\ekfip@k\d1=`li\j*Æ-  @em\ekfip@em\ekfipfek\ekj Fk\i?XinXi\efkjfne  Hkp @em\ekfip@k\d1=`li\.Æ0 88% 89%DXZ`e\GcXZ\d\ek c\Xe`eDXZ`e\ =`li\% Lifting the table saw `k`eDfm`e+. Put a 12mm flat washer, 12mm lock washer and M12 8jj\dYcpJ\klgKfXjj\dYc\k\jc``ekXYc\jXn#fk\j\jk\gj1 =`li\/% Rip fence rail mounting Plate =`li\% Rip fence installed on fence BaseSpacing Over both T-nuts, and tighten the knobs =`li\+# =`li\*% Support leg installedSupport Leg Arm=`li\ =`li\*% Sliding table handle attached =`li\*% Magnetic switch installedFlat washers Jklg Scoring Controls Lock Scoring Blade Elevation$%, ?fj\ Jlggfik XgJZi\n $%,o =`li\+% Hose support installedPush Handle =`li\++% Dust hose support in use Ljkfcc\Zk`feW1038 Run the 2½ hose over the hose support, as shown in =`li\++Stop Button Gfn\ifee\Zk`fe\jkIle On ButtonKfk\jkilek\jXn#fk\j\jk\gj1 Disconnect SAW from PowerJX\kp?XY`kj \e\iXcNfibg`\Z\@ejg\Zk`fe Kifllkj Efe$KiflKifl LkjEfe$Kifllkj Arbor Lock Tool =`li\,.% Replacing the main blade GX\\ekfLj\k\9cX\lXi =`li\,% Blade guard assembly9cX\lXi =`li\,% Height difference between Riving knife and blade `m`eBe`\\eEfkkfLj\k\I`m`eBe`\ `m`eBe`\ =`li\,% Illustration of a typical riving Knife=`li\,,% Riving knife alignment with Blade `m`eBe`\8aljkd\ekKfXaljkk\i`m`ebe`\#fk\j\jk\gj1 Loosen the riving knife center bolt as shown in =`li\JZfi`e9cX\@ejkXccXk`fe 8aljkd\ek =`li\,0% Checking and adjusting scoring Blade positioningDrill Bits 7⁄32 and 13⁄32 Xf9cX\@ejkXccXk`fe@k\djE\\\ Hkp Insert see =`li\-+ Countersink the holes you drilled in Jk\g. see`glkk`en`kJc``eKXYc\ `glkk`eRip fence positions `glkk`en`kI`g=\eZ\Slide the crosscut table out of the way =`li\-0%IfjjZlkk`eLj`eI`g=\eZ\XjXlk$FXl\ IfjjZlkk`e=`li\.,% Crosscut fence mounting Points IfjjZlkk`e=lccJ`q\GXe\cjIfjjZlkk`eJdXcc\iGXe\cj IfjjZlkk`e Lj`e I`g =\eZ\ Xj X lk$F Xl\Kfg\ifidXd`k\iZlk#fk\j\jk\gj1 `k\ilkk`e=`li\.0% Cutting with dado blade Xflkk`eLj`eXXf9cX\ Jk\gj1 Lj`eXJkXeXi9cX\KfdXb\XXfZlkn`kXjkXeXiYcX\#fk\j\ 8kkXZ`eXJXZi``Z`Xc=\eZ\ IXYY\klkk`ePerform the second cut to complete the rabbet Figure /,. Second cut to create a rabbetKfYl`ck\i\jXnYXii`\i#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jXnlkk`e\jXn9Xii`\i Kfg\ifidi\jXn`efg\iXk`fej#fk\j\jk\gj1 \jXn`eFg\iXk`fejFlip the workpiece end for end, keeping the same Stick to feed the workpiece through the blade, usingWhen the resawing is complete as shown in =`li\ Slow and steady feed rateKXYc\9Xj\ JZ\lc\\Xe`e D8@EKE8E ClYi`ZXk`feBolt \ckJ\im`Z\DX`e9\ckI\gcXZ\d\ek —Jkfg 9cX\K`ckXc`YiXk`feJZfi`e9\ckI\gcXZ\d\ek +% Tighten the two set screws in the stop nut Jc``eKXYc\GXiXcc\c`jd+,—Jkfg Controls Jc``eKXYc\8aljkd\ekFigure *. Crosscut fence adjustment Cam Figure . Fence adjustment test piece Stop BoltAt least this long before working on capacitors \Zki`ZXcJX\kp@ejkilZk`fejSee =`li\ `i`e`XiXdSee =`li\+ \Zki`ZXcG`Zkli\j =`li\+% Magnetic switchDfkfic\Zki`ZXc KiflYc\jffk`eFg\iXk`fe CXY\cjfjd\k`Zj G8IKJXY`e\k Kilee`fe DX`eDfkfi Blade Guard Sliding Table Sliding Table Parts List KXYc\j `g=\eZ\ Description ?Xen\\cjJZfi`eKilee`fe IfjjZlkKXYc\ Jn`e8id `k\iXl\ IfjjZlk=\eZ\ Modeltec Shop Notes Other Old House Journal Shotgun News NXiiXekpI\`jkiXk`fePlace Stamp Here N8II8EKP =\FjVainBVXcZhVcYIddah