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Squaring the crosscut fence to the blade ensures that cuts made with the crosscut fence will be square. This procedure can be done by using a piece of scrap plywood as a test piece and making five test cuts, then adjusting the fence as necessary.
To square the crosscut fence with the blade, do these steps:
(% Make sure the blade is parallel with the sliding table and that the crosscut fence is resting against the 90° stop bolt (see =`^li\('* for locations).
)% Prepare the scrap test piece by cutting it to 32" x 32", then number all four sides of the test piece.
*% Use the crosscut fence to cut 1⁄2" off of each side of the test piece, then cut side 1 again (make five cuts total).
+% Measure the test piece diagonally from
—If both measurements are not within 1⁄16", then the crosscut fence needs to be adjusted. Proceed to Jk\gj,Æ/.
—If both measurements are within 1⁄16" then no adjustments need to be made. You are finished with this procedure.
,% Loosen the knob on the crosscut fence to allow it to pivot (make sure 90° stop bolt remains against the fence during adjustments).
.% Tighten the hex nut on the 90° stop bolt, then tight- en the crosscut fence knob, making sure the block is touching the 90° stop bolt.
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Figure ('). Fence adjustment test piece.
Stop Bolt
Figure ('*. Crosscut fence adjustment
/% Repeat Jk\gj*$+.