Parameter list
Referring to the Altivar 212 programming manual
Parameters are decribed in the Altivar 212 programming manual.
For communication purposes, the section "Table of parameter and data" references Modbus address, unit, range... The table below is an abstract, just for example.
Additionnal parameter, not listed in the Altivar 212 programming manual, are described in the present section.
Submenu or parameter | Modbus | Setting | Unit | Default |
description | address |
| setting |
| Operation panels parameters in groups of five in | - | - |
History function |
| the reverse order to that in which their settings |
| were changed (possible to edit). |
[Quick menu] (AUF) |
| The AUF submenu provides ready access to | - | - |
Wizard function |
| the ten basic parameters commonly used in |
| programming the drive. |
| In many cases, programming the ATV212 drive |
| is complete when these 10 parameters and |
| motor parameters have been properly set. |
[Auto ramp] (AUI) | 0 | 0 [Disabled]: Manual | - | 1 |
Automatic acceleration/ deceleration | 16#0 | 1 [Enable]: [Acceleration time 1] (ACC) and |
| [Deceleration time 1] (dEC) |
| 2 [ACC only]: [Acceleration time 1] (ACC) only |
[Acceleration time 1] (ACC) | 9 | 0.0 to 3200 | s | According |
Slope of the acceleration ramp and | 16#9 |
| to drive |
the time it takes for the output |
| model |
frequency of the |
drive to increase from 0 Hz to the |
setting of [Max frequency] (FH) |
•"Modbus address" identifies the parameter for communication.
In Modbus protocol, it is also called "register address" or "Parameter address".
•"Adjusment range" or "Range" means the data cannot be written outside the range.
The data is expressed in the decimal notation. For writing the data through the communication function, take the minimum setting unit into consideration, and use hexadecimal notation.
•"Minimum setting unit" is the unit of a single data.
For example, the "Minimum setting unit" of [Acceleration time 1] (ACC) is 0.1. 1 corresponds to 0.1s. For setting the ACC to 10 seconds, transmit 16#03E8 by communication [10÷0.01=1000=16#03E8].
44 | S1A53844 01/2011 |