Aquazone™ Deluxe D Control LED Indica-
tors — There are 3 LED indicators on the Deluxe D control. See Table 20.
STATUS LED — Status LED indicates the current status or mode of the Deluxe D control. The Status LED light is green.
TEST LED — Test LED will be activated any time the De- luxe D control is in test mode. The Test LED light is yellow. FAULT LED — Fault LED light is red. The fault LED will always flash a code representing the last fault in memory. If there is no fault in memory, the fault LED will flash code 1 on and appear as 1 fast flash alternating with a
WSHP Open Test Mode — To enter WSHP Open test mode, navigate from the BACview6 home screen to the configuration screen. Choose the service screen and enable unit test. The controller will then test the following:
FAN TEST — Tests all fan speeds, sequences fan from low to high, and operates each speed for one minute. Resets to disable on completion.
COMPRESSOR TEST — Tests compressor cooling and heating operation. Sequences cooling stage 1 then cooling stage 2 followed by heating stage 2 then reduces capacity to heating stage 1. Operates for 1 minute per step.
DEHUMIDIFICATION TEST — Tests dehumidification mode. Operates for 2 minutes.
AUXILIARY HEATING TEST — Tests auxiliary heat. Se- quences fan on and enables heating coil for 1 minute.
H2O ECONOMIZER TEST — Tests entering/returning water loop economizer operation. Sequences fan and opens economizer water valve for one minute.
OPEN VENT DAMPER 100% TEST — Tests outside air (OA) damper operation.
PREPOSITION OA DAMPER — Prepositions OA damper actuator to set proper preload.
NOTE: The auxiliary heating test, H2O economizer test, open vent damper 100% test, and preposition OA damper features will not be visible on the screen unless configured.
Once tests are complete, set unit test back to disable. Unit will automatically reset to disable after 1 hour.
Perform the procedures outlined below periodically, as indicated.
IMPORTANT: When a compressor is removed from this unit, system refrigerant circuit oil will remain in the com- pressor. To avoid leakage of compressor oil, the refrigerant lines of the compressor must be sealed after it is removed.
IMPORTANT: All refrigerant discharged from this unit must be recovered without exception. Technicians must fol- low industry accepted guidelines and all local, state and fed- eral statutes for the recovery and disposal of refrigerants.
IMPORTANT: To avoid the release of refrigerant into the atmosphere, the refrigerant circuit of this unit must only be serviced by technicians which meet local, state and federal proficiency requirements.
IMPORTANT: To prevent injury or death due to electrical shock or contact with moving parts, open unit disconnect switch before servicing unit.
Filters — Filters must be clean for maximum performance. Inspect filters every month under normal operating conditions. replace when necessary.
IMPORTANT: Units should never be operated with- out a filter.
Water Coil — Keep all air out of the water coil. Check open loop systems to be sure the well head is not allowing air to infiltrate the water line. Always keep lines airtight.
Inspect heat exchangers regularly, and clean more frequent- ly if the unit is located in a “dirty” environment. The heat exchanger should be kept full of water at all times. Open loop systems should have an inverted P trap placed in the discharge line to keep water in the heat exchanger during off cycles. Closed loop systems must have a minimum of 15 psi during the summer and 40 psi during the winter.
Check P trap frequently for proper operation.
To avoid fouled machinery and extensive unit
Condensate Drain Pans — Check condensate drain pans for algae growth twice a year. If algae growth is apparent, consult a water treatment specialist for proper chemical treat- ment. The application of an algaecide every three months will typically eliminate algae problems in most locations.
Refrigerant System — Verify air and water flow rates are at proper levels before servicing. To maintain sealed circuit- ry integrity, do not install service gages unless unit operation appears abnormal. Check to see that unit is within the super- heat and subcooling ranges.
Condensate Drain Cleaning — Clean the drain line and unit drain pan at the start of each cooling season. Check flow by pouring water into drain. Be sure trap is filled to main- tain an air seal.
Air Coil Cleaning — Remove dirt and debris from evap- orator coil as required by condition of the coil. Clean coil with a stiff brush, vacuum cleaner, or compressed air. Use a fin comb of the correct tooth spacing when straightening mashed or bent coil fins.
Condenser Cleaning —
Local water conditions may cause excessive fouling or pitting of tubes. Condenser tubes should therefore be cleaned at least once a year, or more often if the water is contaminated.
Proper water treatment can minimize tube fouling and pitting. If such conditions are anticipated, water treatment analysis is recommended. Refer to the Carrier System Design Manual, Part 5, for general water conditioning information.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and rubber gloves when using inhibited hydrochloric acid solution. Observe and follow acid manufacturer’s instructions. Fail- ure to follow these safety precautions could result in per- sonal injury or equipment or property damage.