Delta 28-206 Additional Specific Safety Rules, Refer to them often Use them to instruct others

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Failure to follow these rules may result in serious personal injury.

1.DO NOT OPERATE THIS MACHINE UNTIL it is assembled and installed according to the instructions.

2.OBTAIN ADVICE from your supervisor, instructor, or another qualified person if you are not familiar with the operation of this tool.

3.FOLLOW ALL WIRING CODES and recommended electrical connections.

4.USE THE GUARDS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. Check to see that they are in place, properly adjusted, secured, and working correctly.


6.ADJUST THE UPPER BLADE GUIDE so that it is about 1/8" above the workpiece.

7.PROPERLY ADJUST the blade tension, tracking, blade guides, and blade support bearings.

8.KEEP ARMS, HANDS, AND FINGERS away from the blade.

9.AVOID AWKWARD OPERATIONS and hand positions where a sudden slip could cause a hand to move into the blade.

10.NEVER START THE MACHINE before clearing the table of all objects (tools, scrap pieces, etc.).

11.NEVER START THE MACHINE with the workpiece against the blade.

12.HOLD WORKPIECE FIRMLY against the table. DO NOT attempt to saw a workpiece that does not have a flat surface against the table.

13.HOLD WORKPIECE FIRMLY and feed into blade at a moderate speed.

14.NEVER REACH UNDER THE TABLE while the machine is running.

15.TURN THE MACHINE "OFF" to back out of an uncompleted or jammed cut.

16.MAKE "RELIEF" CUTS prior to cutting long curves.

17.TURN THE MACHINE "OFF" and wait for the blade to stop prior to cleaning the blade area, removing debris near the blade, removing or securing workpiece, or changing the angle of the table. A coasting blade can be dangerous.

18.NEVER PERFORM LAYOUT, ASSEMBLY, or set-up work on the table/work area when the machine is running.

19. TURN THE MACHINE "OFF" AND DISCONNECT THE MACHINE from the power source before installing or removing accessories, before adjusting or changing set- ups, or when making repairs.

20.TURN THE MACHINE "OFF", disconnect the machine from the power source, and clean the table/work area before leaving the machine. LOCK THE SWITCH IN THE "OFF" POSITION to prevent unauthorized use.

21.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION regarding the safe and proper operation of power tools (i.e. a safety video) is available from the Power Tool Institute, 1300 Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (www. Information is also available from the National Safety Council, 1121 Spring Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143-3201. Please refer to the American National Standards Institute ANSI 01.1 Safety Requirements for Woodworking Machines and the U.S. Department of Labor OSHA 1910.213 Regulations.


Refer to them often

and use them to instruct others.

4 - English

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Contents Contractors Saw Important Safety Instructions Table of ContentsSafety Guidelines Definitions General Safety Rules Stay ALERT, Watch What YOU are DOING, and USEAdditional Specific Safety Rules Refer to them often Use them to instruct othersPower Connections Extension Cords Fig. CCarton Contents Functional DescriptionModel 28-206 Enclosed Stand Parts Model 28-276 Open Stand Parts Assembly Assembly Tools RequiredAssembly Time Estimate Model 28-206 Enclosed Stand AssemblyAlign the holes in the base a , with the holes Model 28-276 Open Stand Assembly Page Attaching the Belt to the SAW and Motor Pulley Attaching the SAW to the StandAttaching the Pulley Guards Connecting Motor Cord to Switch Assembly Disconnect the machine from the power sourceAttaching Blade to the SAW Table InsertLocking the Switch in the OFF Position OperationStarting and Stopping the SAW Tilting the TableAdjusting the Table Stop Adjusting Blade TensionVertical Adjustment of the Upper Blade Guide Assembly Tracking the BladeAdjusting the Upper Blade Guides and Blade Support Bearing Adjusting Lower Blade Guides and Blade Support BearingDust Port Changing Blade Speed for Model 28-206 onlyCutting Curves Troubleshooting GuideProbable Cause Remedy Probable Cause RemedyBand SAW Blades Maintenance ServiceWarranty AccessoriesService and Repairs LES Instructions Importantes DE Surete Mesures DE Sécurité DéfinitionsLA Proposition DE Californie Conservez CES InstructionsRègles DE Sécurité Générales Lutilisation DE CET OutilRègles Spécifiques Additionnelles DE Sûreté Conserver CES DirectivesSpécifications DU Moteur Raccordements ÉlectriquesInstructions DE Mise À LA Terre Cordon DE Rallonge Fonctionnement Monophasé À 240 VoltsAVANT-PROPOS Contenu DU CartonDésemballage ET Nettoyage Pièces DU Socle Fermé DU Modèle Pièces DU Socle Ouvert DU Modèle Assemblage Outils Nécessaires Pour L’ASSEMBLAGEDurée Estimée Pour L’ASSEMBLAGE Assemblage DU Socle Fermé DU ModèleFrench Assemblage DU Socle Ouvert DU Modèle French Assemblage DE LA Scie SUR LE Socle Assemblage DES Protecteurs DE PoulieConnexion DU Cordon Moteur À L’ENSEMBLE DE L’INTERRUPTEUR Assemblage DE LA Table SUR LA ScieAssemblage DE LA Lame SUR LA Scie Insert DE TableFonctionnement Démarrage ET Arrêt DE ScieVerrouiller L’INTERRUPTEUR EN Position D’ARRÊT Inclinaison DE LA TableRéglage DE LA Butée DE LA Table Réglage DE LA Tension DE LameAlignement DE LA Lame Réglage Vertical DE L’ENSEMBLE DE Guide Supérieur DE LA LameDébrancher l’appareil de la source d’alimentation Utilisation DE L’APPAREIL Goulotte À PoussièreProblème LA Scie NE Démarre PAS Cause probable Solution Guide DE DépannageCoupe DE Courbes Problème LA Scie À Ruban Vibre Beaucoup Cause probableProblème LES Lames Cassent Cause probable Problème LA Lame NE S’ALIGNE PAS Cause probableEntretien Lames DE Scie À Lame RubanGarder LA Machine Propre Démarrage ImpossibleAccessoiries Remplacement Gratuit DE LétiquetteGarantie Entretien ET RéparationPautas DE SEGURIDAD/DEFINICIONES Instrucciones DE Seguridad ImportantesProposición DE California Normas Generales DE Seguridad EL USO DE Esta HerramientaGuarde Estas Instrucciones Normas Específicas Adicionales DE SeguridadEspecificaciones DEL Motor Conexiones a LA Fuente DE AlimentaciónInstrucciones DE Conexión a Tierra Cordones DE Extensión Fig. D1Descripción Funcional Contenido DE CartonPrefacio Desempaquetado Y LimpiezaPiezas Cerradas DEL Soporte DEL Modelo Base Tornillo de cabeza troncocónica M5 x 0.8 x 10 mm LadoPiezas Abiertas DEL Soporte DEL Modelo Ensamblaje Herramientas DE Ensamblaje RequeridasEstimación DEL Tiempo DE Ensamblaje Montaje DE LA Base DE Soporte Cerrada ModeloNota Apriete libremente el hardware para el ajuste adicional Montaje DE LA Base DE Soporte Abierta Modelo Sobre una superficie planaPage Sujeción DE LA Sierra a LA Base DE Soporte Conectar LA Agujeros DEL Protector DE LA PoleaCuerda DEL Motor QUE Conecta a LA Asamblea DE Interruptor Sujeción DE LA Mesa a LA SierraSujeción DE LA Hoja a LA Sierra Montaje DE LA Pieza DE Insercion DE MesaOperación Arrancando Y Deteniendo LA SierraBloqueando EL Interruptor EN LA Posicion DE Apagado Inclinación DE LA TablaAjuste DE LA Parada DE LA Tabla Ajuste DE LA Tensión DE LA LáminaSeguir LA Lámina Ajuste Vertical DEL Montaje Superior DE LA Guía DE LA LáminaDesconecte la maquina de la fuente de energia Utilizar LA Maquina Puerto DEL PolvoGuia Localizacion DE Fallas Corte DE CurvasCausa probable Causa probable RemedioRemedios Localizacion DE Fallas Mantenimiento Hojas DE Sierra DE CintaMantenga LA Máquina Limpia Servicio Accesorios Garantia