HP Fax Machine Sender manual HP Product, HP Digital Sender8100C One year

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HP Digital Sender8100C

One year

1HP warrants HP hardware, accessories, and supplies against defects in materials and workmanship for the period specified above. If HP receives notice of such defects during the warranty period, HP will, at its option, either repair or replace products which prove to be defective. Replacement parts may be either new or like- new.

2HP warrants that HP software will not fail to execute its programming instructions, for the period specified above, due to defects in material and workmanship when properly installed and used. If HP receives notice of such defects during the warranty period, HP will replace software media which does not execute its programming instructions due to such defects.

3HP does not warrant that the operation of HP products will be uninterrupted or error free. If HP is unable, within a reasonable time, to repair or replace any product to a condition as warranted, customer will be entitled to a refund of the purchase price upon prompt return of the product.

4HP products may contain remanufactured parts equivalent to new in performance or may have been subject to incidental use.

5The warranty period begins on the date of the delivery or on the date of installation if installed by HP. If customer schedules or delays HP installation more than 30 days after delivery,warranty begins on the 31st day from delivery.

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Contents Page Page Page Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company Publication number C7707-90006 First Edition, April 1# $ +!2 * 3%/0 67 44 8 $ % 2$ !! !2$ +%!% 111 Page Send to e-mail Service DependenciesUp connection Send to anMaximum paper size Width LengthMinimum paper siz 215.9 mm 8.5 inches 355.6 mm 14 inchesDocument Sending quality Type of document DestinationsColor Document Color-B/W PhotType e-mail addresses manually 10 !,0% Digital sender accepts three types of users Administrator for the digital senderRegistered users Guest users12 !,0% Glass Connector to the preinstalled Connector Control panel Socket Power switchControl panel Network interface cardPage Page Page Information needed for e-mail configuration Decisions needed for installationAdditional information needed for I-Fax configuration Additional information needed for HP JetSend configurationPage IP Subnet Mask IP Address of the digital senderPage Wins Server Address for Wins name resolution DNS Server Addres , DNS Domain for DNS name resolutionPage Use the following steps to verify the digital sender setup Page General Menu Parameter DescriptionNetwork Menu EnabledMail Menu DNS DomainFax menu Esmtp Function Advanced MenuMail Langu a g Make sure the digital sender is idle Administrator password is case-sensitiveHP Digital Sender8100C 32 !4,0 PP Error NW ErrorProcessing Sendin34 !4,0 At the control panel, press Status ALT+F3 Press Revision F1Parameter Descriptions Boot BlockVer Default is 90 secondsMulti-BootVer Log Server AddrUse the shutdown procedure for the following reas o n s 38 !4,0 Use this procedure for the following reasonsSee pag e40 40 !4,0 When the configuration menu appears, press Tools F2Select Clear data bas Adjustment is necessary to improve readability To switch to Manual. Press E Nter42 !4,0 Page Public E-mail Addresses Public E-mail ListsUser’s E-mail Lists User’s E-mail AddressesSelect Public E-mail Lists Press Setup ALT+F4, then Lists F346 !4,0 All public and personal distribution lists Select Public E-mail AddressePress Delete F3 Press OK F1 to confirm 48 !4,0 Digital sender will not ask for a user nameSHIFT+ALT+ decreases SHIFT+ALT+ increases Upgrade takes from 1 to 5 minutes 50 !4,0 Before performing firmware upgradesDir Source Description52 !4,0 Fluid directly on the digital sender glassPage 54 !4,0 Raise the output trayRevision pag Jobs stateSee Jobs state on pag e33 for details Configuration AB Error codesMessage Description OccurredSignificant problems Mail configurationFax configuration Message Description ActionsLdap protocol error Internal error. codes Internal problemDigital Sender halted Key to retryNo matches found Network error codeConfiguratio n Access rights Search errorPlease add th e m This will clearProblem Menu is disabledGeneral configuration Enable Allow user self-registration62 !2,+% IP address IP subnet mask IP gatewayHP Digital Sender8100C One year HP Product64 !,3 111 +++66 !,3 Part orProduct number +42 026130 +44+358 0203 47 +30 01 6896468 !,3 Quarterly service call 1-800-457-1762 in the U.S. or Canada These services URLsExtended Service U.S Europe70 !,3 Feature Description Scan engin Control panel displayKeypad Operating TemperatureStorage HumidityDescription Maximum EU Declaration of Conformity 76 !0 FCC Declaration of ConformityLpS 70 dB am Arbeitsplatz normaler Betrieb nach DIN 45635 T GeräuschemissionDie Daten sind die Ergebnisse von Typprüf u n g e n 78 !0 Numerics SymbolsChecklist Backup utilityConnectors Resetting to factory Subject field in e-mail messagesDeleting Errors,in address bookFax DNS Domain parameterJpeg compression Keypad,specifications Guest login Guest users,descriptionHP authorized dealers HP JetDirect Cfg. parameter ID, HP JetDirect printer server 36 I-faxLetter-sized paper 7 levers Optional configurationDevice No matches found message 59 noisePart numbers Print server,connector to card 14 printers DriversInvalid QualityDefault IP address Settings Color Document Color-B/W PhotoShutting down the digital sender 37 sizes Speed,scanning Starting the digital sender 37 statusWeight Watts consumed Web JetAdmin. See HP Web JetAdmin websitesWins Windows Internet Naming Service,configuration problem Y2K warranty Year 2000 warranty