Answering Machine
Listening to Messages
Answering Machine (TAM)
Record Erase Messages
Skip Replay
When messages have been received, the Messages light will blink. Use the buttons for the following tasks:
•Play — Plays all messages starting with the new ones. Pressing Play in the middle of a message will pause it; press Play again to restart.
Tip! The date and time of the message will display while the message is playing. The other buttons only work when the date and time is displaying. Wait until the date and time displays before pressing the other buttons.
•Erase — Erases the current message. When no messages are playing, you can erase all messages by pressing Erase then Enter.
•Replay — Replays the current message.
•Skip — Skips the current message and plays the next one.
•Cancel — Stops playing the messages.
Setting Rings
See “Setting the TAM/FAX Ring” on page 8.