Edit Programs
The Edit Program menu is used to create an automation program.
•Selecting 1 (WHEN) is used to specify the time that the program is activated or the macro button (event) that activates the program.
•Selecting 2 (CMD) allows you to specify the action to be taken when the program is executed.
•Selecting 3 (&COND) allows a condition to be specified that must be true for the program to be executed at the specified time.
Each of these items defaults to its current setting for an existing program that is being edited, or to a default value for a new program.
For each program, it is only necessary to specify the time or event and the action to be taken. It is not necessary to specify a condition on the program if the action should be taken whenever the specified time or event occurs.
Edit Programs When
Selecting the 1 (WHEN) key, from the Edit Program menu, allows the time or button/event that activates the program to be changed. The display shows:
Times Programs
Selecting 1 (TIMED) sets the program to be activated at a specific time of day. You are prompted to enter the time and date or days of week. The current default value is shown for each item. Press ' # ' to accept the default.
12:00 AM 5/17 1=TIME 2=DATE/DAY
Select 1 (TIME) to enter the new time. If the desired time is the time in which sunrise or sunset will occur, press the up arrow key for sunrise, or the down arrow key for sunset before entering a time.
TIME: 12:00 AM
You may also choose to have the program execute up to 120 minutes before or after the time of sunrise or sunset.
If the 1(BEFORE) or 2(AFTER) key is selected, you will be prompted to select the amount of minutes:
When entering a time of day, AM/PM must be specified for the time if the AM/PM format is being used. Otherwise the entered time should be
TIME: 8:00 AM
Select 2 (DATE/DAY) to enter a new date or days of week.