Home Automation SECURITY SYSTEM Setup, Set Up Codes, 1 = Master, 2 = Manager, 3 = User

Page 49


The Setup menu is used to configure operating parameters, program your system to do its automated control and security functions, and give descriptions (names) for all of your zones, units, buttons, codes, temperatures, and messages. To enter the Setup menu, from the top-level display or from the main menu, press the 9 (SETUP) key on the console keypad.

Upon entry to the Setup mode, you will first be prompted to enter a security code:



A Master or Installer Code is required to enter the Setup mode.










Set Up Codes

There are 8 user codes that you may assign to users of the system. All OmniLT security codes are 4 digits in length (0001 to 9999). Each user should be assigned a security code with an authority level, and times in which the code will be valid. To set up a code, from the Setup menu, press the 1 (CODES) key. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the codes.

User Code 1 is always set to a Master code. The existing code number is not shown on the display. To change the code, enter a four digit number, then press the ' # ' key. Enter 0000 to disable the code.

Remember the code number. It will not be redisplayed.


0000-9999 0000=DISABLE

Press the () key. You will then be prompted for an authority level for that code:







1 = Master

Master codes have complete access to the entire system.

2 = Manager

Manager codes can arm and disarm the security system during assigned times. Managers can access the Main Menu if the system is in High Security Mode, and have telephone access privilege.

3 = User

User codes can only be used to arm and disarm the security system during assigned times. Telephone access is not a User privilege.

You can specify the access (on/off) times for the code, this is, the time periods during which the code is valid.


8:00 AM MTWTF-- #=CHNG


5:00 PM MTWTF-- #=CHNG


Image 49
Contents Document Number 21R00-1Rev. January Copyright 2000-2006HAI All Rights Reserved Document Number 21R00-1Rev. JanuarySECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION OVERALL DESCRIPTIONCONTROL ContentsTELEPHONE CONTROL SETUPUnderwriters Laboratories UL Listing INTRODUCTIONConsole Operation OVERALL DESCRIPTION1- OFF 2- DAYDisplay Menus Normal Top-LevelDisplay6- UP ARROW 7- CONSOLE LEDMain Menu Error BeepsTrouble Beeps To silence the beeper, press the * keyCancel OmniLT MaintenanceConfirmation Beep Time OutArming the Security System SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION0 = OFF 1 = DAY2 = NIGHT Using Shortcut Keys3 = AWAY 4 = VACATIONQuick Arm 9 = RESTOREBypassing Zones Restoring ZonesWhat Happens When the Alarm is Activated What To Do When You Come HomeBurglar Alarm Activated Gas Alarm Activated Fire Alarm ActivatedEmergency Keys OMNIAlarm Reset Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm ActivatedAlarm Cancel Police EmergencyCodes Trouble IndicationsMaster Code Testing Your System Panic SwitchesManager Code User CodeAbout UPB CONTROLRoom Controller LED Indicators When set to UPB, the OmniLT controller canHAI Lighting Control HLC Format About RoomsAbout Lutron RadioRA When set to CentraLite, the OmniLT controller canAbout House Controllers About CentraLiteAbout ALC When set to RadioRA, the OmniLT controller canAbout House CodeScrolling Through Names Configuring Lighting Scenes in an HLC RoomControlling Units Controlling a Room of HLC LightingOperation StepControlling CentraLite Units Controlling ALC or X-10Units Controlling RadioRA UnitsRamp Command ALC Timed CommandsScene Command Compose Controlling Compose UnitsInternal Flags Status of a UnitControlling Outputs All Lights On All On / OffAll Off Scene Set Command Scene CommandsScene On Command Leviton Scene ControlSetting a Link Lighting Scenes Scene Off CommandUPB Links Activating and Deactivating LinksExecuting Phantom Buttons ButtonsExecuting CentraLite Scenes Leave for Work ButtonHAI RC-SeriesThermostats Temperature ControlDinner for Two Button For HAI heat/cool thermostats Programmable Energy Saver Modules PESMs Control actions for temperature sensors IMPORTANT NOTES Freeze AlarmsIndoor and Outdoor Temperature Upstairs 2=LOW 3=HIGH #=STATHumidity Temperature AlarmsStatus Temperature Control of AppliancesConfiguring HLC Devices using an Omni Console Configuring HLC DevicesStep Operation Setup Mode for HLC DevicesStep Operation Step OperationOFFHK - OFF HOOK ONHK - ON HOOKRING - RINGING DEAD - DEAD PHONE LINEShow Events Event LogShow Message MessagesLog Message Say Message Clear MessagePhone Message Send Message Pro-LinkPro-Linkalso has the capability to monitor the serial port for incoming text messages. When a text message is received, Pro-Linksearches through all 16 messages for a matching message. If one is found, the Program Command macro corresponding to the matching message is activated Telephone Interface TELEPHONE CONTROLIn-HousePhones Remote PhonesAlternate Method Phone Access Denied - Remote LockoutMain Menu When a Two-WayAudio Module is being used PC AccessPanic Button over the Phone # # # # # # Recording Your AddressDigital Dialer Emergency Dial-OutVoice Dialer How the OmniLT Voice Dialer WorksEntering the Code What You Hear - If Your OmniLT Calls YouSet Up Codes SETUP1 = Master 2 = ManagerSet Up Programs Set Up TimeTIME Duress Code2 = Show Programs 1 = Add Programs3 = Delete All Programs Edit Programs When Edit ProgramsTimes Programs Button and Event Programs Control Unit / Switch Press Event ButtonsSwitch Corresponding Switch TableOmniLT UPB 6-ButtonKeypadAll On/Off Event Buttons Zone Event ButtonsUPB Link Triggers Alarm Event ButtonsX-10Event Buttons Message Event Buttons Pro-Link Miscellaneous Event ButtonsSwitch Press Event Buttons CentraLite Edit Program CommandProgram Control Commands Program Security Commands Unit Toggle CommandProgram Button Commands WHEN LINK 1 ON Porch Light STATUSProgram Video Commands Program All On / All Off CommandsProgram Message Commands Edit Program ConditionProgram Zone Conditions Program Security Mode ConditionsProgram Time Clock Conditions Program Other ConditionsTelephone Access Set Up DialAnswer Outside Call Rings Before Answer Remote CommandsDial Type My Phone NumberDial Out Numbers Set Up ArmingDial Order Entry DelayEnable Auto Bypass Enable Quick ArmAll On For Alarm Exit DelayAnnounce Alarms Set up MiscellaneousEnable Freeze Alarm Flash For AlarmNUMBER FORMATDESCRIPTION House Code All OffZONE NAME Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneDaylight Savings Set Up NamesNUMBER DESCRIPTIONSet Up Voice Set Up Address FIRE ESCAPE PLANNING UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSHAI 21487 Bayou Ct Abita Springs, LA FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICECANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE CONTROLLER OUTPUTS APPENDIX A - SPECIFICATIONSUL RATINGS MAXIMUMCODE CHAR APPENDIX B - CHARACTER CODESCODE CHAR CODE CHARCODE APPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTIONSDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODECODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTIONPage HAI New Orleans, LA U S A NOTE TO INSTALLER