Home Automation SECURITY SYSTEM owner manual Set Up Address

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Set Up Address

The final setup item is accomplished over the telephone. This is the address that the system says when it dials out in an emergency. Your voice will be recorded on computer chips in the OmniLT controller and saved to be played back in the emergency message when the system dials out for an alarm.

Pick up an inside phone and press the ' # ' key on the telephone within 3 seconds of picking up the phone. The OmniLT will respond with a menu. Press 8 on the telephone keypad, then 8. The unit will say "ADDRESS IS:" then the OmniLT will play back the message stored in the Address memory if one has been entered by your installer.

To record your address, Press 9, then enter the Master Code. The OmniLT will say "RECORD ADDRESS", then BEEP. In a normal tone of voice, say your name and address and any helpful information for locating your house.


The unit will beep after 8 seconds, then play the address back to you. If you are not happy with the sound, re-record by pressing 9 and the Master Code. If you would like to hear the address again, press 8 for Play Address.

If you accidentally press 9 but have not entered your master code and do not wish to record a new address, simply hang up the phone. The address can be recorded from a local (in house) phone or a remote phone. We suggest using a local phone for higher sound quality.

¾When the OmniLT says "record address - beep" any previous address recorded on your system is erased. Always verify that you have your name and address in your system if you have entered this function.

¾When recording the address, do not press any touch-tone keys on your phone until the second beep, indicating that recording is complete. This will cause improper operation when the system dials out. The OmniLT will think that the tone is a code being entered by the called party and it will stop talking.


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Contents Document Number 21R00-1Rev. January Document Number 21R00-1Rev. January Copyright 2000-2006HAI All Rights ReservedOVERALL DESCRIPTION SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONCONTROL ContentsSETUP TELEPHONE CONTROLINTRODUCTION Underwriters Laboratories UL ListingOVERALL DESCRIPTION Console Operation1- OFF 2- DAYNormal Top-LevelDisplay Display Menus6- UP ARROW 7- CONSOLE LEDError Beeps Main MenuTrouble Beeps To silence the beeper, press the * keyOmniLT Maintenance CancelConfirmation Beep Time OutSECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION Arming the Security System0 = OFF 1 = DAYUsing Shortcut Keys 2 = NIGHT3 = AWAY 4 = VACATION9 = RESTORE Quick ArmBypassing Zones Restoring ZonesWhat To Do When You Come Home What Happens When the Alarm is ActivatedBurglar Alarm Activated Fire Alarm Activated Gas Alarm ActivatedEmergency Keys OMNIDuress Code Entered or Duress Alarm Activated Alarm ResetAlarm Cancel Police EmergencyTrouble Indications CodesMaster Code Panic Switches Testing Your SystemManager Code User CodeCONTROL About UPBWhen set to UPB, the OmniLT controller can Room Controller LED IndicatorsHAI Lighting Control HLC Format About RoomsWhen set to CentraLite, the OmniLT controller can About Lutron RadioRAAbout House Controllers About CentraLiteWhen set to RadioRA, the OmniLT controller can About ALCAbout House CodeConfiguring Lighting Scenes in an HLC Room Scrolling Through NamesControlling Units Controlling a Room of HLC LightingStep OperationControlling CentraLite Units Controlling RadioRA Units Controlling ALC or X-10UnitsTimed Commands Ramp Command ALCScene Command Compose Controlling Compose UnitsStatus of a Unit Internal FlagsControlling Outputs All On / Off All Lights OnAll Off Scene Commands Scene Set CommandScene On Command Leviton Scene ControlScene Off Command Setting a Link Lighting ScenesUPB Links Activating and Deactivating LinksButtons Executing Phantom ButtonsExecuting CentraLite Scenes Leave for Work ButtonTemperature Control HAI RC-SeriesThermostatsDinner for Two Button For HAI heat/cool thermostats Programmable Energy Saver Modules PESMs Control actions for temperature sensors Freeze Alarms IMPORTANT NOTESIndoor and Outdoor Temperature Upstairs 2=LOW 3=HIGH #=STATTemperature Alarms HumidityStatus Temperature Control of AppliancesConfiguring HLC Devices Configuring HLC Devices using an Omni ConsoleSetup Mode for HLC Devices Step OperationStep Operation Step OperationONHK - ON HOOK OFFHK - OFF HOOKRING - RINGING DEAD - DEAD PHONE LINEEvent Log Show EventsMessages Show MessageLog Message Clear Message Say MessagePhone Message Send Message Pro-LinkPro-Linkalso has the capability to monitor the serial port for incoming text messages. When a text message is received, Pro-Linksearches through all 16 messages for a matching message. If one is found, the Program Command macro corresponding to the matching message is activated TELEPHONE CONTROL Telephone InterfaceIn-HousePhones Remote PhonesPhone Access Denied - Remote Lockout Alternate MethodMain Menu PC Access When a Two-WayAudio Module is being usedPanic Button over the Phone # # # # # # Recording Your AddressEmergency Dial-Out Digital DialerVoice Dialer How the OmniLT Voice Dialer WorksWhat You Hear - If Your OmniLT Calls You Entering the CodeSETUP Set Up Codes1 = Master 2 = ManagerSet Up Time Set Up ProgramsTIME Duress Code1 = Add Programs 2 = Show Programs3 = Delete All Programs Edit Programs Edit Programs WhenTimes Programs Control Unit / Switch Press Event Buttons Button and Event ProgramsCorresponding Switch Table SwitchOmniLT UPB 6-ButtonKeypadZone Event Buttons All On/Off Event ButtonsAlarm Event Buttons UPB Link TriggersX-10Event Buttons Miscellaneous Event Buttons Message Event Buttons Pro-LinkEdit Program Command Switch Press Event Buttons CentraLiteProgram Control Commands Unit Toggle Command Program Security CommandsProgram Button Commands WHEN LINK 1 ON Porch Light STATUSProgram All On / All Off Commands Program Video CommandsProgram Message Commands Edit Program ConditionProgram Security Mode Conditions Program Zone ConditionsProgram Time Clock Conditions Program Other ConditionsSet Up Dial Telephone AccessAnswer Outside Call Remote Commands Rings Before AnswerDial Type My Phone NumberSet Up Arming Dial Out NumbersDial Order Entry DelayEnable Quick Arm Enable Auto BypassAll On For Alarm Exit DelaySet up Miscellaneous Announce AlarmsEnable Freeze Alarm Flash For AlarmFORMAT NUMBERDESCRIPTION House Code All OffLatitude, Longitude, and Time Zone ZONE NAMESet Up Names Daylight SavingsNUMBER DESCRIPTIONSet Up Voice Set Up Address UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTS FIRE ESCAPE PLANNINGFEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICE HAI 21487 Bayou Ct Abita Springs, LACANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE APPENDIX A - SPECIFICATIONS CONTROLLER OUTPUTSUL RATINGS MAXIMUMAPPENDIX B - CHARACTER CODES CODE CHARCODE CHAR CODE CHARAPPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTIONS CODEDESCRIPTION CODECODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTIONCODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTIONPage NOTE TO INSTALLER HAI New Orleans, LA U S A