Home Automation SECURITY SYSTEM Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm Activated, Alarm Reset

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Police Emergency

When the 1 key and the 3 keys are pressed simultaneously, the Police Emergency alarm is activated. This alarm operates exactly the same as described for Burglar Alarm Activated except:

The console display indicates: "BURGLARY! - POLICE EMERG TRIPPED".

Fire Emergency

When the 4 key and the 6 key is pressed simultaneously, the Fire Emergency alarm is activated. This alarm operates exactly the same as described for Police Emergency Button except:

The sounder activates in a 3 pulse temporal pattern distinguish the fire alarm from the burglar alarm.

The console display will read: "FIRE ALM - FIRE EMERG TRIPPED".

The Fire Emergency alarm can be turned off at any time by pressing the ' * ' key.

Auxiliary Emergency

When the 7 key and the 9 key is pressed simultaneously, the Auxiliary Emergency alarm is activated.

The console beeper comes on - display indicates:


¾The console beeper continues to sound until the alarm is disarmed.

Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm Activated

(See Duress Code for a description of when to use)

In the event that you enter your duress code or a Duress zone is tripped, the system performs a silent dial out as follows:

No alarms, lights or console beepers are activated. The system does not display the duress alarm.

The system waits the dial out delay, then begins to dial out.

Alarm Reset

The alarm system will reset itself after the outside siren has been on for 1-30 minutes. When the alarm system resets, any zone that is ready is reactivated, so the alarm system will be activated again if the zone is tripped. If a zone remains not ready (i.e. a door has been left open) it will be automatically bypassed when the alarm resets.

The console will display, "(FIRE, BURGLAR, or EMERGENCY) ALARM RESET" when this happens.

Alarm Cancel

At any time, you can silence your alarm system by pressing the Off key and entering your code. If the system has reported, or is in the process of reporting an alarm to a central station, it will send the alarm code followed by a code indicating that the user has canceled the alarm. If an alarm is canceled before the dial out delay has expired, the system will not report any alarm.

If an alarm is canceled during a voice dial out, the system hangs up immediately.


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Contents Document Number 21R00-1Rev. January Copyright 2000-2006HAI All Rights Reserved Document Number 21R00-1Rev. JanuaryContents OVERALL DESCRIPTIONSECURITY SYSTEM OPERATION CONTROLTELEPHONE CONTROL SETUPUnderwriters Laboratories UL Listing INTRODUCTION2- DAY OVERALL DESCRIPTIONConsole Operation 1- OFF7- CONSOLE LED Normal Top-LevelDisplayDisplay Menus 6- UP ARROWTo silence the beeper, press the * key Error BeepsMain Menu Trouble BeepsTime Out OmniLT MaintenanceCancel Confirmation Beep1 = DAY SECURITY SYSTEM OPERATIONArming the Security System 0 = OFF4 = VACATION Using Shortcut Keys2 = NIGHT 3 = AWAYRestoring Zones 9 = RESTOREQuick Arm Bypassing ZonesWhat To Do When You Come Home What Happens When the Alarm is ActivatedBurglar Alarm Activated OMNI Fire Alarm ActivatedGas Alarm Activated Emergency KeysPolice Emergency Duress Code Entered or Duress Alarm ActivatedAlarm Reset Alarm CancelTrouble Indications CodesMaster Code User Code Panic SwitchesTesting Your System Manager CodeAbout UPB CONTROLAbout Rooms When set to UPB, the OmniLT controller canRoom Controller LED Indicators HAI Lighting Control HLC FormatAbout CentraLite When set to CentraLite, the OmniLT controller canAbout Lutron RadioRA About House ControllersHouse Code When set to RadioRA, the OmniLT controller canAbout ALC AboutControlling a Room of HLC Lighting Configuring Lighting Scenes in an HLC RoomScrolling Through Names Controlling UnitsStep OperationControlling CentraLite Units Controlling ALC or X-10Units Controlling RadioRA UnitsControlling Compose Units Timed CommandsRamp Command ALC Scene Command ComposeStatus of a Unit Internal FlagsControlling Outputs All On / Off All Lights OnAll Off Leviton Scene Control Scene CommandsScene Set Command Scene On CommandActivating and Deactivating Links Scene Off CommandSetting a Link Lighting Scenes UPB LinksLeave for Work Button ButtonsExecuting Phantom Buttons Executing CentraLite ScenesTemperature Control HAI RC-SeriesThermostatsDinner for Two Button For HAI heat/cool thermostats Programmable Energy Saver Modules PESMs Control actions for temperature sensors Upstairs 2=LOW 3=HIGH #=STAT Freeze AlarmsIMPORTANT NOTES Indoor and Outdoor TemperatureTemperature Control of Appliances Temperature AlarmsHumidity StatusConfiguring HLC Devices using an Omni Console Configuring HLC DevicesStep Operation Setup Mode for HLC DevicesStep Operation Step OperationDEAD - DEAD PHONE LINE ONHK - ON HOOKOFFHK - OFF HOOK RING - RINGINGShow Events Event LogMessages Show MessageLog Message Send Message Pro-Link Clear MessageSay Message Phone MessagePro-Linkalso has the capability to monitor the serial port for incoming text messages. When a text message is received, Pro-Linksearches through all 16 messages for a matching message. If one is found, the Program Command macro corresponding to the matching message is activated Remote Phones TELEPHONE CONTROLTelephone Interface In-HousePhonesPhone Access Denied - Remote Lockout Alternate MethodMain Menu Recording Your Address PC AccessWhen a Two-WayAudio Module is being used Panic Button over the Phone # # # # # #How the OmniLT Voice Dialer Works Emergency Dial-OutDigital Dialer Voice DialerEntering the Code What You Hear - If Your OmniLT Calls You2 = Manager SETUPSet Up Codes 1 = MasterDuress Code Set Up TimeSet Up Programs TIME2 = Show Programs 1 = Add Programs3 = Delete All Programs Edit Programs Edit Programs WhenTimes Programs Button and Event Programs Control Unit / Switch Press Event ButtonsUPB 6-ButtonKeypad Corresponding Switch TableSwitch OmniLTAll On/Off Event Buttons Zone Event ButtonsAlarm Event Buttons UPB Link TriggersX-10Event Buttons Message Event Buttons Pro-Link Miscellaneous Event ButtonsEdit Program Command Switch Press Event Buttons CentraLiteProgram Control Commands WHEN LINK 1 ON Porch Light STATUS Unit Toggle CommandProgram Security Commands Program Button CommandsEdit Program Condition Program All On / All Off CommandsProgram Video Commands Program Message CommandsProgram Other Conditions Program Security Mode ConditionsProgram Zone Conditions Program Time Clock ConditionsSet Up Dial Telephone AccessAnswer Outside Call My Phone Number Remote CommandsRings Before Answer Dial TypeEntry Delay Set Up ArmingDial Out Numbers Dial OrderExit Delay Enable Quick ArmEnable Auto Bypass All On For AlarmFlash For Alarm Set up MiscellaneousAnnounce Alarms Enable Freeze AlarmHouse Code All Off FORMATNUMBER DESCRIPTIONZONE NAME Latitude, Longitude, and Time ZoneDESCRIPTION Set Up NamesDaylight Savings NUMBERSet Up Voice Set Up Address FIRE ESCAPE PLANNING UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES REQUIREMENTSHAI 21487 Bayou Ct Abita Springs, LA FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION NOTICECANADIAN INDUSTRY CANADA NOTICE MAXIMUM APPENDIX A - SPECIFICATIONSCONTROLLER OUTPUTS UL RATINGSCODE CHAR APPENDIX B - CHARACTER CODESCODE CHAR CODE CHARCODE APPENDIX C - VOICE DESCRIPTIONSCODE DESCRIPTIONDESCRIPTION CODEDESCRIPTION CODECODE DESCRIPTION CODE DESCRIPTIONPage HAI New Orleans, LA U S A NOTE TO INSTALLER