Adding a Wireless
1.Unlock the base unit if necessary to continue programming. See “Accessing the MAIN MENU for Programming” on page 28.
2.Select SENSORS from the MAIN MENU and follow the steps in the following diagram.
3.After you press the ENTER key, the NEW WIRELESS SENSOR screen is displayed. The EA800 searches for new wireless sensors, indicated by an arrow that moves from left to right across the screen. When an available wireless sensor has been detected, it is listed in the SELECT SENSOR screen as shown below.
4.Use the arrow keys to select the wireless multifunction sensor to be configured, then follow the prompts to configure all screens for that sensor.
Follow the procedure shown on the next page to add a temperature sensor. The procedure shows a wired Blue temperature sensor, but is applicable to the wired Red and White temperature sensors as well.
The Hysteresis setting helps prevent alarms from being set and reset continually if the environment is at or near the alarm set point by providing an acceptable variance. For example, if HYSTERESIS is set at 1 and the sensor High Alarm Limit is set at +158, the sensor reading must decrease to +157 (+157 minus 1) in order for the temperature alarm to reset to a
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