Viewing the Alarm Log
This alarm log is a quick view of the 20 most recent alarms. Up to 100 alarms can be reviewed by selecting Data Log from the MAIN MENU, then selecting View Alarm Log. To review the alarm history and review a specific alarm stored in the log, perform the following procedure.
Note: The MAIN MENU screen shown in the example procedure is displayed when the system is locked. This alarm log may also be viewed when the system is unlocked.
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When done reviewing the current sensor readings and return to the Alarm Log.
To return to Active Alarm or Monitoring screen.
To view previous or next alarms
The View Alarm Log lines provide the following information:
■Line 1: Sequence number. Identifies the alarm in the log list.
■Line 2: Date and time the alarm was logged
■Line 3: The relay connected to the sensor that logged the alarm condition
■Line 4: The name of the sensor that logged the alarm condition
■Line 5: The sensor's reported value that generated the alarm
■Line 6: The alarm type or the clearing of alarm type
Viewing Pending Alarm Information
To view the current readings of a sensor that is in the pending alarm state perform the following procedure:
To return to Active Alarm or Monitoring screen.
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