Enviro EA800 owner manual Troubleshooting, ACTIVE ALARMS screen

Page 75


Operating or setup errors are indicated by flashing data on the display. Often, a programming error also results in an alarm for the misprogrammed relay. The table below shows and describes common error displays, along with corrective action. For updated information, go to the EA800 page at www.winland.com and look for the troubleshooting section.

Table 13











Corrective Action




Temperature reading indi-

Wired sensor is shorted

Ensure that the sensor connection is not shorted.

cates maximum when


A short equals zero resistance and thus the max-

temperature is actually


imum value.



Wired sensor cable has a short.

Replace damaged cable.



Sensor has failed

Contact Winland Technical Services at








Temperature reading indi-

Wired sensor is not connected

Ensure that the sensor is connected to the cor-

cates minimum when tem-


rect header pins. An open connection equals an

perature is actually


infinite resistance and thus the minimum value.



Wired sensor cable has an open.

Replace damaged cable.



Sensor has failed

Contact Winland Technical Services at








Temperature display does

Incorrect sensor programmed

Verify the actual sensor connected to the sensor

not equal actual tempera-


input is programmed appropriately. Each temper-




ature sensor is limited to a specific operating








Display flashes repeat-

The EA800 reboots repeatedly

Cycle power to the EA800 and wait for a period

edly between the Winland

and fails to successfully com-

of time before reapplying power.

Electronics Inc. screen

plete the boot process.

If a USB drive is attached to the USB port,

and a blank screen.


remove it and cycle power as noted above.




If the problem recurs, contact Winland Technical




Service at 1-800-635-4269.




The display flashes while

A sensor's reading has

Verify the environmental conditions of the sen-

displaying the

exceeded a set limit.



A wireless sensor is not commu-

Verify the received signal strength as outlined in



nicating with the base unit.

“Verifying RF Signal Strength” on page 72.







Image 75
Contents D-011-0152 Limitations of the Alarm System or Device Preparation Table of ContentsInstallation General InformationOperation Overview General InformationHow to Use This Manual Block Diagrams General InformationD-011-0152 Symbols on the Product or Manual Labeling Monitoring Screens General InformationD-011-0152 Keys Base Unit Connections Access Control and Passwords System Configuration Parameters will sound when an alarm occurs if DISABLE isselected Temperature Sensors SensorsHumidity Sensors 4-20mASensorsTheory of Operation Power Supply / Sensor Voltage Selection Water Sensors Multi-FunctionSensorsContact Closure Sensors High Scaled Value Sensor Parameter DescriptionsResolution Maximum AllowedRelay Operation D-011-0152 Relay OperationPreparation D-011-0152 From 11-26VDC power supply From 11-26VDC power supplyTo alarm-on-closed loop circuit power supplied via loopD-011-0152 Mounting the EA800 Rear Plate InstallationPower Requirements Tools and Supplies RequiredInstall the Wired Sensors EA800 Base Unit Power ConnectionsInstall the Wireless Sensors SENSOR MODEL NO RESET BUTTONJ6 Input 1 Input 2 Input 3 Input RESET BUTTONSENSOR MODEL NO D-011-0152Connecting Wired HA-III+Humidity Sensors Connecting Wired 4-20mASensors Programming Connecting the EA800 Alarm OutputsConfiguring System Parameter Settings Accessing the MAIN MENU for Programming3.Enter the SYSTEM menu and then select the CONFIGURATION menu as shown below DISABLED is selected Setting the Current Date D-011-0152 Setting the TimeAdding a Wireless Temperature Sensor Adding Wireless SensorsD-011-0152 Adding Wireless SensorsD-011-0152 InstallationD-011-0152 Adding a Wireless Humidity Sensor InstallationD-011-0152 D-011-0152 D-011-0152 InstallationD-011-0152 Installation Select N.O. Contact or N.C. ContactD-011-0152 D-011-0152 Verify Wireless Signal StrengthAdding a Wired Temperature Sensor Adding Wired SensorsAdding a Wired HA-III+Humidity Sensor Adding Wired SensorsD-011-0152 Note A supervised WaterBug sensor must be used Adding a Wired WaterBug SensorAdding a Wired Contact Closure Sensor Select N.O. Contact or N.C. ContactD-011-0152 Adding a 4-20mASensor Configuring the Relays Monitoring Environmental Conditions OperationViewing Active Alarms Viewing Sensor SettingsViewing Pending Alarm Information Viewing the Alarm LogViewing the Event Log Viewing Limit SettingsD-011-0152 Viewing the Sensor LogViewing Firmware Information OperationViewing RF Information Viewing RF InformationLocking and Unlocking the EA800 MaintenancePausing Monitoring and Cancelling Pause Replacing a Sensor Adding a SensorSENSORS screen Editing Sensor ParametersReprogramming a Relay Deleting a SensorF3 F3 Changing the Time Format Changing the Date FormatChanging Sensor Data Collection Frequency Changing the Date or Time SettingChanging the Buzzer Setting Changing the Buzzer SettingChanging the Password MaintenanceD-011-0152 Clearing the Alarm Log Clearing the Sensor LogClearing the Alarm Log Updating the Firmware MaintenanceD-011-0152 F3 LOAD/SAVE CONFIG screen Saving Configuration SettingsCONFIG screen Loading Configuration SettingsExporting the Stored Logs Exported Alarm DataSensor deleted Exported Event DataExported Sensor Data 12/24/2007 07 06 03 PMD-011-0152 Exporting the Stored LogsACTIVE ALARMS screen TroubleshootingViewing Signal Strength for a Wireless Sensor Verifying RF Signal StrengthBase Unit and Sensor Specifications SpecificationsAccessories Figure 17. Locked Screen Map Appendix A Screen MapsD-011-0152 Figure 18. Unlocked Screen Map - Top LevelAppendix A Screen Maps Figure 19. Sensors Screen MapD-011-0152 D-011-0152 Figure 20. Add New Sensor Screen MapD-011-0152 Appendix A Screen MapsFigure 21. Edit Sensor Screen Map Figure 22. Relay Screen MapD-011-0152 Figure 23. Data Log Screen MapAppendix A Screen Maps Figure 24. System Screen MapD-011-0152 D-011-0152 Figure 25. Configuration Screen MapAppendix B Planning Worksheet Appendix B Planning WorksheetInstallation Alarm ConditionD-011-0152 Appendix C Wiring DiagramD-011-0152 Appendix D System Configuration Record Unit of Measure Appendix D System Configuration Record Sensor 6 Settings wireless Appendix D System Configuration Record D-011-0152 Warranty and Service Information Phone Fax Manufactured in the U.S.A byWinland Electronics 1950 Excel Drive, Mankato, MN, Outside MN Phone