Radio Key® | Operating Guide |
For longer latch times it may be easier to set the timer with hour: minute notation. Press SET TIMER; then press the sequence of digits representing the number of hours (2 digits); then press the sequenceofdigitsrepresentingthenumberofminutes;thenpress THRU; then ENTER. (The maximum relay time is 18 hours and 00 minutes.) For example, to set the latch timer for 2 hours and
45 minutes the following sequence would be followed:
+ | 0 | + |
2 | + | 4 | + | 5 | + |
| + |
(2 Hours, 45 Minutes) |
| (THRU) | (ENTER) |
If you have set an extended latch time, but need to interrupt it, follow this procedure. Put the unit in Program Mode (see Page 8). Then press Set Timer then “1” then Enter. After the Program Mode expires, present a valid card to the reader. After one second the relay will return to it’s normal state. You will then have to reprogram the latch timer to the desired duration.
Setting the Latch Timer (RK65K/RK100M):
Thelatchtimercontrolsthelatchrelay.Thefactorypresetlatchtime is 1 second but it can be changed to any value from .25 seconds to 18 hours. If the latch timer is set to 0 seconds, this pulses the latch relay for 0.25 second, sufficient for most electric turnstiles. The beeper and LED are always fixed at one second.
Secura Key | 13 |