| Fax: +358 207 890 601 | PORTUGAL |
| ||
| Division of | |
| FRANCE | Sintra Business Park |
| Zona Industrial Da Abrunheira | |
| Edificio 1, 1° A | |
| ALTO France SAS | |
| Aéroparc 1 | Tel.: +35 808 200 537 |
| 19 rue Icare | Fax: +35 121 911 2679 |
67960 Entzheim | ||
Tel.: +33 3 88 28 84 00 | RUSSIA | |
| Fax: +33 3 88 30 05 00 | |
Vyatskaya str. 27, bld. 7 | ||
DENMARK | GERMANY | 127015 Moskow |
Tel.: +7 495 783 96 02 | ||
Fax: +7 495 783 96 03 | ||
Sognevej 25 | Division of | |
Tel.: +45 4323 8100 | 89287 Bellenberg | |
Fax: +45 4343 7700 | Tel.: +49 0180 5 37 37 37 | |
Fax: +49 0180 5 37 37 38 | ||
SALES COMPANIES | 40 Loyang Drive | |
Singapore 508961 | ||
AUSTRALIA | GREECE | Tel.: +65 6 759 9100 |
Fax: +65 6 759 9133 | ||
48 Egerton St. | 8, Thoukididou str. | SPAIN |
P.O. Box 6046 | 164 52 Argiroupolis | |
Silverwater, N.S.W. 2128 | Tel.: +30 210 96 33443 | |
Tel.: +61 2 8748 5966 | Fax: +30 210 96 52187 | Division of |
Fax: +61 2 8748 5960 | Torre D’Ara | |
AUSTRIA | HOLLAND | Paseo del Rengle, 5 Pl. 10 |
08302 Mataró | ||
Tel.: +3 4 902 200 201 | ||
Division of | Fax: +34 93 757 8020 | |
Metzgerstrasse 68 | Camerastraat 9 | |
5101 Bergheim/Salzburg | 3322 BB Almere | SWEDEN |
Tel.: +43 662 456 | Tel.: +31 36 546 07 60 | |
Fax: +43 662 456 | Fax: +31 36 546 07 61 | ALTO Sverige AB |
Member of | ||
Aminogatan 18, Box 4029 | ||
BELGIUM | HONG KONG | 431 04 Mölndal |
Tel.: +46 31 706 73 00 | ||
Fax: +46 31 706 | ||
Division of | 2001 HK Worsted Mills Ind’l Bldg. | |
Internationalelaan 55 (Gebouw C3/C4) | TAIWAN | |
1070 Brussel | Kwai Chung | |
Tel.: +32 02 467 60 40 | Tel.: +852 2427 5951 | |
Fax: +32 02 466 61 50 | Fax: +852 2487 5828 | No. 5, Wan Fang Road |
HUNGARY | Taipei | |
CANADA | Tel.: +886 227 002 268 | |
Fax: +886 227 840 843 | ||
Clarke Canada | II. Rákóczi Ferenc út 10 | THAILAND |
Part of the | 2310 | |
4080 B Sladeview Crescent, Unit 1 | Tel: +36 2447 5550 | |
Mississauga, Ontario L5L 5Y5 | Fax: +36 2447 5551 | 89 Soi |
Tel.: +1 905 569 0266 | ||
Fax: +1 905 569 8586 | Layao, Jatuchak, Bangkok 10900 | |
CHINA | ITALY | Tel.: +66 2 275 5630 |
Fax: +66 2 691 4079 | ||
Blok 3, Unit 130 1001 Honghua Road | Divisione di | |
Int. Commercial & Trade Center | Località Novella Terza | |
Fuitian Free Trade Zone | 26862 Guardamiglio (LO) | Ekipmanlari Tic. A/S. |
518038 Shenzhen | Necla Cad. NI.: 48 | |
Tel.: +86 755 8359 7937 | JAPAN | Yenisahra / Kadiköy |
Fax: +86 755 8359 1063 | Istanbul | |
CZECH REPUBLIC | Tel.: +90 216 470 08 - 60 | |
247 | Fax: +90 216 470 08 - 63 | |
ALTO Ceská Republika s.r.o. | Yokohama, | www. |
Zateckých 9 | Tel.: +8145 548 2571 | UNITED KINGDOM |
14000 Praha 4 | Fax: +8145 548 2541 | |
Tel.: +420 24 14 08 419 | MALAYSIA | |
Fax: +420 24 14 08 439 | Division of | |
Bowerbank Way | ||
DENMARK | Sd 14, Jalan KIP 11 | Gilwilly Industrial Estate, Penrith |
Taman Perindustrian KIP | Cumbria CA11 9BQ | |
Sri Damansara | Tel.: +44 1 768 86 89 95 | |
Division of | 52200 Kuala Lumpur | Fax: +44 1 768 86 47 13 |
Industrivej 1 | Tel.: +60 3 603 6275 3120 | |
9560 Hadsund | Fax: +60 3 603 6274 6318 | |
Tel.: +45 7218 2100 | NORWAY | USA |
Fax: +45 7218 2105 | ||
Bjørnerudveien 24 | 14600 21st Avenue North | |
1266 Oslo | Plymouth, MN | |
Tel.: +47 22 75 17 70 | Tel.: +1 763 745 3500 | |
Fax: +47 22 75 17 71 | Fax: +1 763 745 3718 | |
Division of | ||
Blytækkervej 2 | ||
9000 Aalborg | POLAND | VIETNAM |
Tel.: +45 7218 2100 | ||
Fax: +45 7218 2099 | ||
No. 46 Doc Ngu Str. | ||
FINLAND | ul. | Ba Dinh Dist. |
Tel.: +48 22 738 37 50 | Hanoi | |
Fax: +48 22 738 37 51 | Tel.: +84 4 761 5642 | |
Piispantilankuja 4 | Fax: +84 4 761 5643 | |
02240 Espoo | ||
Tel.: +358 207 890 600 |