KitchenAid 2316571A manual Water Supply Requirements, Water System Preparation, Water Pressure

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IMPORTANT: Be sure the power switch is set to the On position after cleaning refrigerator or changing light bulbs.


A. Power switch

Water Supply Requirements

Read all directions before you begin.


When your refrigerator was installed, the water connection from the water source should have been connected to your refrigerator. If your refrigerator is not connected to a water source, see “Connect to Water Line” in the Installation Instructions. If you have any questions about your water connection, see “Troubleshooting” or call a licensed, qualified plumber.

If you turn the refrigerator on before the water line is connected, turn the ice maker OFF. See “Ice Maker and Storage Bin.”

All installations must meet local plumbing code requirements.

Water Pressure

A cold water supply with water pressure between 30 and 120 psi (207 and 827 kPa) is required to operate the water dispenser and ice maker. If you have questions about your water pressure, see “Troubleshooting” or call a licensed, qualified plumber.

Reverse Osmosis Water Supply

IMPORTANT: The pressure of the water supply coming out of a reverse osmosis system going to the water inlet valve of the refrigerator needs to be between 30 and 120 psi (207 and

827 kPa).

If a reverse osmosis water filtration system is connected to your cold water supply, the water pressure to the reverse osmosis system needs to be a minimum of 40 psi (276 kPa).

If the water pressure to the reverse osmosis system is less than

40 psi (276 kPa):

Check to see whether the sediment filter in the reverse osmosis system is blocked. Replace the filter if necessary.

Allow the storage tank on the reverse osmosis system to refill after heavy usage.

If your refrigerator has a water filter, it may further reduce the water pressure when used in conjunction with a reverse osmosis system. Remove the water filter. See “Water Filtration System.”

If you have questions about your water pressure, call a licensed, qualified plumber.

Water System Preparation

Please read before using the water system.

Immediately after installation, follow the steps below to make sure that the water system is properly cleaned.

1.Open the freezer door and turn off the ice maker. For Style 1, lift up the wire shutoff arm as shown. For Style 2, move the switch to the OFF (right) setting as shown. The On/Off switch is located on the top right side of the freezer compartment.

Style 1 – Non-Dispenser Models

Style 2 – Dispenser Models

NOTE: If your model has a base grille filter system, make sure the base grille filter is properly installed and the cap is in the horizontal position.

Do not use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.

2.Use a sturdy container to depress and hold the water dispenser lever for 5 seconds, then release it for 5 seconds. Repeat until water begins to flow. Once water begins to flow, continue depressing and releasing the dispenser lever

(5 seconds on, 5 seconds off) for an additional 2 minutes. This will flush air from the filter and water dispensing system. Additional flushing may be required in some households.

NOTE: As air is cleared from the system, water may spurt out of the dispenser.

3.Open the freezer door and turn on the ice maker. For Style 1, lower the wire shutoff arm. For Style 2, move the switch to the ON (left) position.

Allow 24 hours to produce the first batch of ice.

Discard the first three batches of ice produced.

Depending on your model, you may want to select the maximum ice feature to increase the production of ice.


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Contents Side by Side BUILT-IN Refrigerator Table DES Matières Table of ContentsÍndice Before You Throw Away Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer Refrigerator SafetyRefrigerator USE PowerOn/Off SwitchBefore USE Water System Preparation Water Supply RequirementsWater Pressure Reverse Osmosis Water SupplyViewing the Celsius Temperatures UsingControlsNormal Sounds Ensuring Proper Air CirculationHolidayMode Water and Ice Dispensers Water FilterIndicator Changing the Water Filter Using the Ice Maker Without a Water FilterWater Filtration System Ice Maker and Storage Bin on somemodels -Accessory Refrigerator Shelves Refrigerator FeaturesIngredient Care Center Crisper and CoversDoor Features Freezer FeaturesChanging the Light Bulbs CleaningRefrigerator Care Vacation Care TroubleshootingPowerInterruptions Ice maker is not producing ice or not enough ice Refrigerator seems to make too much noiseOff-taste, odor or gray color in the ice Ice dispenser will not operate properlyIce storage bin is difficult to remove Temperature is too warmWater dispenser will not operate properly Water is leaking from the dispenserU.S.A Assistance or ServiceStainless Steel Cleaner & Polish AccessoriesReplacement Water Filter Water Filter CertificationsApplication Guidelines/Water Supply Parameters Performance Data SheetsBase Grille Water Filtration System TWO Year Limited Warranty Kitchenaid Refrigerator WarrantyLifetime Limited Warranty on Door Bins Items Kitchenaid will not PAY forAntes de tirar su refrigerador o congelador viejo Seguridad DEL RefrigeradorInterruptor deencendido/apagado Antes DE UsarUSO DE SU Refrigerador Requisitosdel suministro de agua Preparación delsistema de aguaPresión del agua Suministro de agua de ósmosis inversaCómoasegurar la debida circulación del aire SonidosnormalesUsode los controles Para conectar el refrigerador y ver los puntos de ajusteOver Temperature Temperatura excesiva Funciones de alarma Restablecimiento de la alarma maestraPara ver las temperaturas en centígrados Max Cool Frío máximoDespachadores de agua yhielo Holiday Mode Modode día de fiestaPara despachar hielo El despachador de hieloLa luz del despachador El bloqueo del despachadorSistema de filtración de agua Indicador delfiltrode aguaLuz de estado del filtro de agua en algunos modelos Cómo cambiar el filtro de aguaFábrica de hielo y depósito Centro decuidado deingredientes Características DEL RefrigeradorEstantes delrefrigerador Cajones para verduras y tapas Características DEL CongeladorPortabotellas Estante del congeladorCuidado DE SU Refrigerador Características DE LA PuertaCompartimiento utilitario Recipientes de las puertasCortesde corriente Cómo cambiarlos focosLuz del panel de control del refrigerador Luces del congelador y del cajón para verdurasCuidado durante lasvacaciones Solución DE ProblemasSi Ud. decide apagar el refrigerador antes de irse Las luces no funcionanEl hielo tiene mal sabor, mal olor o un color grisáceo El refrigerador parece hacer demasiado ruidoEl despachador de hielo no funciona debidamente ¿Se ha agregado hielo incorrecto en el depósito? UseHay filtración de agua en el despachador El depósito de hielo es difícil de sacarEl despachador de agua no funciona debidamente El divisor entre los dos compartimientos está caliente El agua del despachador no está lo suficientemente fríaLa temperatura está demasiado caliente Hay acumulación de humedad en el interiorEn Canadá Ayuda O Servicio TécnicoEn los EE.UU AccesoriosPautas de aplicación / Parámetros para el Suministro de agua Hoja DE Datos DEL RendimientoSistema de filtración de agua de la rejilla de la base Garantía Limitada DE DOS Años Garantía DEL Refrigerador DE KitchenaidKitchenaid no Pagará POR LOS Siguientes Artículos Exclusión DE Garantías Implícitas Limitación DE RecursosAvant de jeter votre vieux réfrigérateur ou congélateur Sécurité DU RéfrigérateurCommutateur marche/arrêt Avant L’UTILISATIONUtilisation DU Réfrigérateur Spécifications de l’alimentation en eau Préparation du système d’eauPression de leau Alimentation en eau par osmose inverseSonsnormaux Utilisation des commandesPour s’assurer d’une Circulation d’air appropriée RemarqueFonctions dalarme Réinitialisation de lalarme principale Ajustement des commandesIndicateur et réinitialisation du filtre à eau Door Open porte ouverteDistributeurs deau et de glaçons Holiday Mode mode vacancesDistribution d’eau Le distributeur deauLe distributeur de glaçons Distribution de glaceIndicateur du filtre à eau Remplacement du filtre à eauSystème de filtration deau Le verrouillage du distributeurMachineàglaçons et bacd’entreposage Pour retirer et réinstaller le bac à glaçonsUtilisation de la machine à glaçons sans filtre à eau Style Mise en marche/arrêt de la machine à glaçonsTablettesdu réfrigérateur Caractéristiques DU RéfrigérateurNettoyage du bac d’entreposage de glaçons Tablettes et cadres de tablettesBac à légumeset couvercles Centre de soins desingrédientsCasieràvin Réglage du centre de soin des ingrédientsCaractéristiques DE LA Porte Caractéristiques DU CongélateurEntretien DU Réfrigérateur Remplacement des ampoulesd’éclairageNettoyage Nettoyage du réfrigérateurPannes de courant Lampes du tableau de commande du réfrigérateurEntretien avantlesvacances Lampes du congélateur et du bac à légumesLes ampoules n’éclairent pas DépannageLe moteur semble fonctionner excessivement Le réfrigérateur semble faire trop de bruitLe distributeur de glaçons ne fonctionne pas correctement Mauvais goût, odeur ou couleur grise des glaçonsLe débit d’eau du distributeur diminue de façon notable Le bac à glaçons est difficile à enlever’eau du distributeur n’est pas assez froide Le distributeur d’eau ne fonctionne pas bienAccessoires Assistance OU ServiceSystème de filtration deau de la grille de la base Feuilles DE Données SUR LA PerformanceSystème de filtration deau de la grille de la base Garantie Limitée DE Deux ANS Garantie DU Réfrigérateur KitchenaidGarantie Limitée À VIE SUR LES Balconnets DE Porte Kitchenaid NE Prendra PAS EN Charge