Melissa 643-032 manual Delay timer, Start/stop, Using the breadmaker, Recipes

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During the first rising will the thermostat switch on and off to keep a temperature of 20 C°.

During the second kneading the motor and thermostat will switch on an off to keep the temperature at 30 C°.

During the second rising the thermostat will switch on and off to keep the temperature at 32 C°.

During the third rising the thermostat will switch on and off to keep the temperature at 38 C°.

During the baking the thermostat will switch on an off to keep a minimum temp. of 121 C°.

*= Thermostat switches on and off if the temp comes below 121 C°

# = 10 beeps will indicate that the additional ingredients can be added.

Delay timer


All programmes can be started later, which is not recommeded for the baking process for cakes and biscuits. If you use ingredients such as fresh milk, fruit or onions, no pre-programming should be selected, the baking process should be started directly.

-Select as stated above the desired setting with the MENU SELECTION and CRUST keys.

-With both arrow TIMING keys you can pre-program a baking process up to 13 hours in advance. Push the arrow key left or right to prolong the duration of the baking process shown on the display.

-The duration shown on the display indicates when the bread will be ready. If you fill the container for instance in the evening at 10.00 p.m. and want the bread to be ready by 7.00 am, the display must show 10:00.

-These 10 hours include a waiting period of 6 hours plus the duration of the selected baking process (in this case 3 hours). + 1 hour keep warm function.

-The breadmaker switches on automatically after 6 hours and starts the standard baking process.

-After you have set the timer, press the START key. The remaining time until the end of the baking process will be displayed constantly.

Remember to press the start button to commence the timer countdown- otherwise nothing will happen!

If you set the timer incorrectly and start has been pressed, you are able to switch off and reset the delay period again only if mixing has not started.


This button serves to start or stop the breadmaker. Only press the button once you have selected the Program Select, crust colour and delay timer if required. As the button is pressed you will hear a beep the breadmaker will start and the timer display will count down.

To stop the breadmaker, press and hold this button for 3 seconds. Only do this in an emergency, as the unit will then reset to the beginning of its program. You must then begin again, the ingredients may be ruined and need replacement.

If the temperature in the breadmaker for a new program is still too high from the previous use, the display shows ”HOT” after start of the program and the breadmaker will beep without interruptions. If this happens, please remove the pan and wait until the breadmaker has cooled down (leave the lid open).

Using the breadmaker

NOTE: Yeast must never get in contact with any liquids until the baking process starts.

-Open the lid and remove the baking pan by raising the handle and twisting counter clockwise and then lift it out. Place the baking pan on the work surface.

-Ensure that the paddle is attached inside the baking pan (This is simply to push on).

-Measure the ingredients required and add them to the pan, the breadmaker will mix all ingredients when switched on.

-When adding the yeast (dry or fresh) to the baking pan, take care that the yeast does not come into contact with water or other liquids, as it will start to activate immediately. This applies especially when using the delay timer.

-Do not overfill the baking pan. This will affect the final result of the bread and may damage the breadmaker.

-Using the panhandle, place the baking pan in the breadmaker and turn clockwise to the lock position, close the lid of the unit.

-Plug the unit into the power supply (you will hear a long beep). The unit will automatically be set to the basic program with the colour setting at MEDIUM.

-Now select the required program pressing the SELECT button until the light corresponding to the program becomes illuminated. Do not forget to select the crust colour as well.

-Press the start/stop program to start the unit. When the program is completed the display shows 0.00 and you will hear the unit beeps 10 times.

Note in manufacturing, it was necessary to grease some parts of the unit. This is may cause emitting some vapour when it is used for the first time.

-When the program is completed and the bread is baked the”keep warm” function will operate for one hour. To remind you of this, the unit will beep 6 times every 5 minutes for a period of 1 hour, and then switch off.

-Take care when removing the bread. The bread is very hot. To remove the baking pan, open the lid of the unit. As the unit will be hot, use oven gloves to remove the pan. Using the handle, simply twist the pan counters clockwise to the remove position and lift out.

-Turn the pan upside down, and gently tap the bread from the pan. Occasionally, the paddle will stay in the loaf, wait until the loaf is cool and the remove the paddle with a wooden utensil to avoid damage to the non-stick surface.

-Leave the bread on a rack to cool down, ensure ventilation from below.

-Always unplug the unit after use.

Note: do not open the lid while the breadmaker is operating, as this will affect the quality of the bread, especially its ability to rise properly.





1⁄4 cups




White flour:

3 cups

Dry milk:








1⁄2 Tsp.



1⁄2 Tsp.

Set the breadmaker at STANDARD or QUICK operation.





1 cup



1⁄2 Tbsp.

White flour:


1⁄4 cups

Rye flour:

3⁄4 cups






1⁄2 Tsp.




Set the breadmaker at STANDARD or WHOLEMEAL operation.






1⁄2 cups



1⁄2 Tbsp.

White flour:


1⁄2 cups

Dry milk:




Image 18
Contents 643-032 Lådan Innehåller Viktiga SäkerhetsåtgärderAllmän Information OM Bakmaskinen FunktionerAnvändning Timerfunktion TimerinställningSTART/STOPP ReceptGarantin Gäller Inte FelsökningTips FÖR Miljön ImportörIngredienser Vigtige sikkerhedsforanstaltningerBake Bage Under bagning sker følgendeBrug TimerfuntionSTART/STOP Sæt knivbladet ned i bunden af bagecontainerenBrød Opskrifter TIL Brug I BagemaskinenBenyt Vedlagte Målebæger OG Måleske Bageprogram FrenchBageprogram Basic Bageprogram DoughBageprogram Quick Miljø Tips FØR DU Ringer Efter ServiceRengøring Garantien Gælder IkkeEsken Inneholder Viktige SikkerhetstiltakGenerell Informasjon OM Brødbakemaskinen Bake BrødTimerinnstilling BrukOppskrifter Feilsøking Still inn brødbakemaskinen på StandardStill inn brødbakemaskinen på Dough MiljøtipsPakkauksen Sisältö Tärkeät TurvatoimetYleistä Tietoa Leipäkoneesta Leivän LeipominenLeivontaohjeita Ajastimen AsettaminenLeipäkoneen Käyttö Valitse STANDARD- tai QUICK-ohjelmaJOS Leipä Epäonnistuu Ympäristön SuojeleminenTakuu EI Kata VAURIOITA, JOS Maahantuoja Adexi group Valmistaja ei vastaa painovirheistäBOX Contains Important SafeguardsGeneral Information on the Breadmaker Baking BreadStart/stop Delay timerUsing the breadmaker RecipesEnvironmental TIP Trouble ShootingWarranty does not Cover ImporterWichtige Sicherheitshinweise Bake BackenZutaten Das Messer am Boden des Backbehälters einsetzen TimerfunktionAnwendung BacktippsBackprogramm Basic oder Whole Wheat Benutzen SIE DEN Mitgelieferten Messbecher UND MesslöffelBrot Backprogramm FrenchBackprogramm Dough Backprogramm Whole WheatBackprogramm Basic BrötchenBackprogramm Quick Bevor SIE DEN Kundendienst RufenReinigung Falls die vorstehenden Hinweise nicht beachtet werden UmwelttippsDIE Garantie Gilt Nicht ImporteurWA˚NE Informacje NA Temat BEZPIECZE¡STWA Ogólne Informacje O Urzñdzeniu do Wypieku PieczywaWypiek Chleba Ustawianie Timera Kolor skórkiKorzystanie z urzàdzenia do wypieku pieczywa Chleb ˚YTNI Rozwiñzywanie ProblemówPrzepisy ZWYK¸E BIA¸E Pieczywo Pieczywo FrancuskieGwarancja Zostanie UNIEWA˚NIONA Pieczywo jest wyd´te jak balonOchrona Rodowiska ImporterКоробке Находятся Важные Указания ПО Технике БезопасностиОбщие Сведения О Хлебопекарном Устройстве Выпечка ХлебаЅtart/ѕtop Пуск/стоп Цвет коркиУстановка Таймера Использование хлебопекарного устройстваФранцузский Хлеб Рецептура Обычный Белый ХлебРжаной Хлеб Хлеб С ТравамиСовет В Отношении Окружающей Среды Обеденные РулетыУстранение Неисправностей Гарантия НЕ Распространяется НА Следующие СлучаиBM-101 IM rev 29/11/04 1311 Side