Rosemount 3051N
Reference Manual
Custom Meter
HART Comm | 1, 3, 7, 2 |
The meter features a
•engineering units
•percent of range
•alternating between any two of the above
•decimal point position
•upper range values
•lower range values
•engineering units
•transfer function
To configure the meter with a HART communicator, perform the following procedure:
1. Connect the communicator to the transmitter. Before connecting a communicator in an explosive atmosphere, make sure the instruments in the loop are installed according to intrinsically safe or nonincendive field wiring practices.
2.From the ONLINE screen, select 1 Device Setup, 3 Basic Setup, 7 Meter Options, 2 Custom Meter Setup.
3.To specify decimal point position:
a.Select 1 Sel dec pt pos. Choose the decimal point representation that will provide the most accurate output for your application. For example, when outputting between 0 and 75 GPM, choose XX.XXX.
b.Go to Step 8.
4.To specify a custom upper range value:
a.Select 2 CM Upper Value. Type the value that you want the transmitter to read at the 20 mA point.
b.Go to Step 8.
5.To specify a custom lower range value:
a.Select 3 CM Lower Value. Type the value that you want the transmitter to read at the 4 mA point.
b.Go to Step 8.
6.To define custom units:
a.Select 4 CM Units. Enter the custom units (five characters maximum) that you want the meter to display.
b.Go to Step 8.
7.To choose the transmitter transfer function for the meter:
See “Safety Messages” in Section 6 for warning information.