Rosemount 3051N
Reference Manual
Lower Range Value (LRV)
Send Data
Sensor Trim
Transmitter Address
Transmitter Security
Upper Range Limit (URL)
Upper Range Value (URV)
Zero Trim
Lowest value of the measured variable that the analog output of the transmitter is currently configured to measure.
The connection of several transmitters to a single communications transmission line. Communication between the host and the transmitters takes place digitally with the analog output of the transmitters deactivated. Note that although the Rosemount 3051N has
Configuration function that changes the transmitter 4 and 20 mA settings. See “Rerange” in Section 2 .
Digital Trim function that allows you to adjust the digital process variable reading to a precise pressure input. Zero Trim and Full Trim are the two Sensor Trim functions. See “Sensor Trim” in Section 2 .
Term used to describe instruments that are
Rosemount pressure, temperature, level, and flow instruments with
Algebraic difference between the upper and lower range values.
Unique number
Highest value of the measured variable that the transmitter can be configured to measure.
Highest value of the measured variable that the analog output of the transmitter is currently configured to measure.