Command | ASCII Command | Response | Additional Description |
| (host to scaler) | (scaler to host) |
HDCP input authorization (valid for HDMI inputs only)
HDCP Authorized | EEX!*1HDCP} | HdcpEX!*1] | Turn HDCP Authorized device on for input |
device on |
| X! (default). |
HDCP Authorized | EEX!*0HDCP} | HdcpEX!*0] | Turn HDCP Authorized device off for input |
device off |
| X!. |
Query HDCP | EEX!HDCP} | X4(] | Query HDCP Authorized device status for |
Authorized Device |
| input X!. |
status |
Genlock |
Disable genlock | EOGLOK} | Glok0] | Disables global input lock/genlock (default). |
Enable input signal | E1GLOK} | Glok1] | Locks the output refresh rate to the |
genlock |
| selected input’s refresh rate. |
Enable SDI genlock | E2GLOK} | Glok2] | Locks the output refresh rate applied |
| genlock signal (D models only). |
View genlock | EGLOK} | X4&] | View the current genlock setting. |
setting |
View genlock status | E41STAT} | X4*] | View the current genlock status. |
| 41Stat•X4*] | Verbose mode response |
Genlock/AFL Offset |
NOTES: Genlock offset commands will return an error unless:
a) a DVS 605 D or AD is present,
b) SDI genlock is currently enabled, and
c) Genlock is currently locked to an applied genlock reference.
Genlock offsets apply only to the current output resolution, and reset to 0,0 when the output resolution is adjusted.
Set horizontal offset | EHX5)GLOF} | GlofHX5)] | Sets the horizontal genlock offset to X5) |
| pixels, (where X5) = horizontal pixel offset; |
| range is +/- the current output resolution |
| total pixel value |
| +2199 for 1080p). |
View horizontal | EHGLOF} | X5)] | View the horizontal genlock offset X5), |
offset |
| (default = 0). |
Set vertical offset | EVX5!GLOF} | GlofVX5!] | Sets the vertical genlock offset to X5! |
| pixels, where X5! = genlock line delay; |
| range is +/- the current output resolution |
| total line value - 1, (for example, |
| +1124 for 1080p). |
View vertical offset | EVGLOF} | X5!] | View the vertical genlock offset X5!, |
| (default = 0). |
| |
Video signal presence |
| |
View signal presence | 0LS | X4$*X4$*X4$*X4$*X4$] | Signal status for input 1*2*3*4*5. |
| X4$: 0 = no input, 1 = input detected. |
NOTE: X! = Input selection, 1 to 5
X4$ = Video signal status: 0 = video / TMDS signal not detected, 1 = video / TMDS signal detected
X4& = Input signal/SDI genlock: 0 = disabled (default), 1 = input signal enabled, 2 = SDI genlock enabled.
See command description on page 40 for details.
X4* = Input signal / genlock Status: 0 = genlock disabled, 1 = genlock enabled; not locked, 2 = genlock enabled; locked. See command description on page 40 for full details.
X4( = HDMI Input HDCP authorization status: 0 = block HDCP encryption, 1 = allow HDCP encryption (default for inputs 3, 4, and 5)
X5) = Horizontal genlock offset: range is ± the correct output resolution total pixel value
X5! = Vertical genlock offset: range is ± the correct output resolution total line value
DVS 605 • SIS Communication and Control | 53 |