Command | ASCII (Telnet) | URL Encoded (Web) | Response | Additional Description |
| (host to processor) | (host to processor) | (processor to host) |
Query updated firmware | 4Q | 4Q | X13!] | Use this command to find out which version of |
version |
| firmware has been uploaded into the processor |
| |
Example: | 4Q | 4Q | 1.01 * | In this example, firmware version is 1.01, kernel |
| Series | version 1.46, for DVS 605, dated 17 Jan, 2012.. |
| 2012 17:03:46 GMT) |
Information requests
Request processor part number | N | N |
Request model name | 1i | 1i |
Request model description | 2i | 2i |
Request system memory usage | 3i | 3i |
Request user memory usage | 4i | 4i |
DVS 605 X]
Extron Electronics
Digital Video Scaler]
#Bytes used out of #Kbytes ]
#Bytes used out of #Kbytes]
Show processor part number.
Show processor model name.
Show type of unit.
Show amount of memory used and total available memory for system operations.
Show amount of user memory used and total available user memory.
DVS 605 • SIS Communication and Control 57
IP setup commands
Set time/date24 | E X10&CT} | W X10& CT | Ipt•X10&] | X10& is local date and time format. The set |
| format is |
| Example: |
Read time/date | E CT} | WCT | X10&] | The Read format is day of week DD month year |
| HH:MM:SS. |
| Example: Tue, 18 Nov 2012 18:19:33. |
Set DHCP on24 | E1DH} | W1DH | Idh1] |
Set DHCP off 24 | E0DH} | W0DH | Idh0] |
View DHCP mode | EDH} | WDH | IdhX10$] | X10$ = 0 (off) or 1 (on). |
NOTE: X10$ = on/off 0 = off/disable, 1 = on/enable
X10& = Local date and time format Set format
for example, Thu, 20 Feb 2003 18:19:33 X13! = Version number listed to 2 decimal places