To create a User programme
If programmes already exist under User programmes, the "Create" option has to be selected in order to save additional programme stages to memory.
^Select and confirm the cooking function you want.
^Alter and confirm the
^Select a duration, or a core temperature if using the food probe, and confirm your selection.
^You can add more cooking stages, for example, if you want to add another cooking function to follow on from the first.
Proceed as described above.
^Finally set the shelf level to be used.
A summary of the entries will appear in the display. If you wish to change any of the stages listed you can select them now.
After confirming with "Continue", select an existing name from the list in the display, or enter your own name. To do this:
^Select the letters or numbers by touching the sensors beside the arrows ) *.
^When the letter or number you want is highlighted, confirm it with "Select character". It will then appear in the top line of the display after "Name".
^Select the rest of the letters or numbers for your programme name.
You can use the "Delete character" option to correct any wrong entries.
Select "Space" where a space is required.
^Confirm the programme name with "Confirm name".