Dacor Wall Oven manual Surround

Page 27

Deluxe Features


Baking Modes:






Jump-in temperature/







cooking suggestions:














Uses only a heat source from below



Jump-in temperature: 350°F. Follow






the food. This mode is the stand-by,



original times and temperatures.






non-convection mode. All baked items









will turn out nicely in this mode.









Uses only convection heat. Best for



Jump-in temperature: 325°F. Lower






multiple rack items, cakes, tarts, puff



standard recipes by 25°F. For bak-






pastries, cookies, free form yeast



ing time, use the lowest stated time






breads, scones, muffins, and yeast



in the recipe and add more time if






rolls. This mode is best for light col-



necessary. If multiple-rack baking






ored and delicate baked goods.



with 3 or more racks, increase time









by 5-15 minutes on average.






Uses heat sources that are above and



Jump-in temperature: 350°F. No






below the food. This mode is best for



temperature or time adjustments






angel-food cake, fruit cobblers, quick



are necessary in this mode.






breads, soufflés, and cheesecakes









baked in a water bath. Egg-leavened









items turn out best in this mode be-









cause they still get a nice rise without









over-browning or curdling. Thick bat-









tered breads, such as banana bread,









bake well in this mode because they









cook through while providing the cor-









rect amount of browning.









Uses a combination of convection



Jump-in temperature: 325°F. Lower






cooking and a heat source below the



standard recipes by 25°F. Since






food. This mode is best for fruit crisps,



these items require a longer cook






custard pies, double-crusted fruit pies,



time, convection bake time is on






quiches, yeast breads in a loaf pan,



average about 25% shorter. Set






and popovers. Also, items baked in a



timer 15 minutes before the lowest






deep ceramic dish or earthenware clay



stated temperature and add more






pots are best in this mode. These are



time if necessary.






items in a deep pan that require









browning on the top and bottom.









Uses a combination convection cooking



Jump-in temperature: 325°F. Lower






and heat sources above and below the



standard recipes by 25°F. Since






food. This mode is best for bagels,



these items cook for a very short






biscuits, and pretzels. These thin items



period of time, there are no time






are often in a shallow pan and require









dark browning on the top and bottom.









This mode will provide the quickest









cook time and the darkest overall









browning for baked goods.





Use and Care Manual




Image 27
Contents Wall Oven USE and Care Manual Copyright  2005 Distinctive Appliance Corporation Table of Contents Wall Oven Important Safety InstructionsImportant Safety Instructions Getting to Know Your Oven Before Getting Started, Become Familiar with Your OvenParts of the Oven Parts of Your Wall Oven Double Oven Shown Permanent function keys Control Panel layout1225 Oven Setup Setting the TimeClock Changing the Size of the Numbers on the Clock Fonts 24/12 Clock Military TimeLarge Font or Small Font Fahrenheit F/Celsius C Enable/Disable the ClockPress Temp F/C Display ColorsCustom Display Color Settings Press Display ColorYou can select each of the 3 colors Oven Tones Press Tone SettingsTone Select a Desired Tone LOW LO/HI Volume Oven Lights Press ENABLE/DISABLE Door LiteStandard Racks How to Insert Standard Oven RacksHow to Remove Standard Oven Racks Operating Your Oven The BasicsHow to Insert Your GlideRack How to Remove Your GlideRackGlideRacks Quick Start Guide Before You CookChanging Temperature after you press Start Turning Off the OvensLocking the Control Panel Deluxe Features Help MenuHere is an example To Use the Timers on Your Oven TimersDacor Guide Cook by Food How to Use Dacor Guide1225 PM Important Tips for Using Dacor GuideMain Menu BakingThree basic styles of cooking in an oven are Surround Baking Tips About Pure Convection BakingProblem May be caused by What to do Solutions to Common Baking ProblemsRoasting Roasting Modes Description Jump-in temperatureBroiling Modes Description Jump-in temperature BroilingBroiling Tips Saved Guide How to Save the Oven Settings for Your Favorite RecipePress Saved Guide How to Use the Oven Recipe Settings You Have SavedBACK/RECALL key Setting Up the Sabbath FeatureMore SabbathPress Bake or Pure Convection 375F Dehydrate OvenPress Dehydrate Equipment Required for Dehydrating Foods Tips for DehydratingProof Upper ON/OFF or Lower ON/OFF key How to Use the Defrost FeatureDefrost Things to Keep in MindSelf-Clean…See Cleaning and Maintaining Your Oven on Delay/Timed Cooking Options Delay/Timed CookingHow to Set the Start Time and Start Day Setting Up the Delay OptionsTurning the Oven Off Using Duration Time Setting the Amount of Time the Oven is onTurning the Oven Off Using Stop Time Parts of the Meat Probe Meat ProbeHow to Use Your Meat Probe Fresh Pork Ground Meat & Meat MixturesFresh Beef, Veal, Lamb PoultryBest Use of Bake Ware Additional AccessoriesFood Placement Cooking TipsHigh Altitude Cooking Cleaning and Maintaining Your Oven Self-CleaningAbout the Self-clean cycle How to Use the Self-Cleaning Feature Press Self CleanON/OFF and Lower ON/OFF keys to se Self Clean Door Gasket Seal Cleaning the Surfaces of the OvenGlass and Porcelain Surfaces Stainless Steel SurfacesCleaning the Convection Filter To clean the filtersRemoving your oven’s filters Installing your oven’s filters Cleaning the Accessories To Replace the Light Bulbs, Follow These Steps Replacing the Light BulbsProblem Solving Problem Solution GuidePress CANCEL/SECURE Getting Help Exposing the Model/Serial Number PlateYou may also write us at Warranty Information What is CoveredWhat is Not Covered Wall Oven Business Reply Mail Warranty Information