Multiquip DCA-70SSJU operation manual Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts

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Effective: October 1, 2002



Terms of payment for parts are net 10 days.


All parts orders will be shipped collect or prepaidwiththechargesaddedtotheinvoice. All shipments are F.O.B. point of origin. Multiquip’sresponsibilityceaseswhenasigned manifest has been obtained from the carrier, andanyclaimforshortageordamagemustbe settledbetweentheconsigneeandthecarrier.


TheminimumchargeforordersfromMultiquip is $15.00 net. Customers will be asked for instructions regarding handling of orders not meetingthisrequirement.


Return shipments will be accepted and credit will be allowed, subject to the following provi- sions:

1.A Returned Material Authorization must be approved by Multiquip prior to ship- ment.


alist must be provided to Multiquip Parts Salesthatdefinesitemnumbers,quanti- ties, and descriptions of the items to be returned.

a.Thepartsnumbersanddescriptions must match the current parts price list.

b.The list must be typed or computer generated.

c.The list must state the reason(s) for thereturn.

d.The list must reference the sales order(s)orinvoice(s)underwhichthe items were originally purchased.

e.The list must include the name and phonenumberofthepersonrequest- ing the RMA.

3.A copy of the Return Material Authoriza- tionmustaccompanythereturnshipment.

4.Freight is at the sender’s expense. All parts must be returned freight prepaid to Multiquip’s designated receiving point.

5.Parts must be in new and resalable condition,intheoriginalMultiquippack- age (if any), and with Multiquip part numbers clearly marked.

6.The following items are not returnable:

a.Obsolete parts. (If an item is in the price book and shows as being replaced by another item, it is obsolete.)

b.Any parts with a limited shelf life (such as gaskets, seals, “O” rings, and other rubber parts) that were purchased more than six months prior to the return date.

c.Anylineitemwithanextendeddealer net price of less than $5.00.

d.Special order items.

e.Electrical components.

f.Paint, chemicals, and lubricants.


h.Items purchased in kits.

7.The sender will be notified of any materialreceivedthatisnotacceptable.

8.Such material will be held for five workingdaysfromnotification,pending instructions. If a reply is not received within five days, the material will be returned to the sender at his expense.

9.Creditonreturnedpartswillbeissuedat dealer net price at time of the original purchase,lessa15%restockingcharge.

10.In cases where an item is accepted, for which the original purchase document can not be determined, the price will be basedonthelistpricethatwaseffective twelve months prior to the RMA date.

11.Credit issued will be applied to future purchasesonly.


Prices are subject to change without prior notice.Pricechangesareeffectiveonaspe- cific date and all orders received on or after that date will be billed at the revised price.

Rebatesforpricedeclinesandaddedcharges for price increases will not be made for stock on hand at the time of any price change.

Multiquip reserves the right to quote and sell directtoGovernmentagencies,andtoOriginal Equipment Manufacturer accounts who use our products as integral parts of their own products.


A$35.00surchargewillbeaddedtotheinvoice forspecialhandling including bus shipments, insuredparcelpostorincaseswhereMultiquip mustpersonallydeliverthepartstothecarrier.


Multiquip shall not be liable here under for damagesinexcessofthepurchasepriceofthe itemwithrespecttowhichdamagesareclaimed, andinnoeventshallMultiquipbeliableforloss of profit or good will or for any other special, consequentialorincidentaldamages.


Nowarranties,expressorimplied,aremadein connectionwiththesaleofpartsortradeacces- sories nor as to any engine not manufactured byMultiquip.Suchwarrantiesmadeinconnec- tion with the sale of new, complete units are made exclusively by a statement of warranty packaged with such units, and Multiquip nei- ther assumes not authorizes any person to assume for it any other obligation or liability whatever in connection with the sale of its products.Apartfromsuchwrittenstatementof warranty, there are no warranties, express, implied or statutory, which extend beyond the descriptionoftheproductsonthefacehereof.


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Contents MQ Power DCA-70SSJU Whisperwatttm Generator Page Heres HOW to GET Help Table of Contents Parts Ordering Procedures FaxDCA-70SSJU Series Specifications DCA-70SSJU Series Dimensions TOP, Side and Front DimensionsDCA70SSJU Safety Message Alert Symbols Do not follow directionsDCA70SSJU Safety Message Alert Symbols Always wear approved eye and hearing protectionGeneral Safety DCA-70SSJU Series Rules for Safe OperationDCA-70SSJU Series Rules for Safe Operation RadiatorBattery Always store equipment properly when not in useDCA-70SSJU- Rules for Safe Operation TransportingTowing Safety Precautions DCA-70SSJU- Rules for Safe OperationDCA-70SSJU- Installation Typical Generator Grounding ApplicationWhenever an engine is installed indoors the exhaust fumes Outdoor InstallationMounting DCA-70SSJU Series -TOWING Safety Precautions Generator with TrailerDCA-70SSJU Series -TRAILER Specifications Explanation of ChartDCA-70SSJU Series -TRAILER Specifications Trailer SpecificationsSpecifications DCA-70SSJU Series Generator Decals DCA-70SSJU Series Generator Decals DCA-70SSJU Series General Information DCA-70SSJU Series Major Components Generator Major ComponentsDCA-70SSJU Series Generator Control Panel Relay monitors the currentTerminals to the load Amp breakerDCA-70SSJU Series Engine Operating Panel Fuel Gauge Indicates amount of diesel fuel availableDCA-70SSJU Series Engine Operating Panel Engine Operating Panel From S/N 73002141~DCA-70SSJU Series Engine Operating Panel Output Terminal Familiarization DCA-70SSJU Series Output Terminal Panel Familiarization Two 2 Gfci Circuit Breakers 120V@ 20 amps 120VAC Gfci Receptacles Removing the Plastic Face Plate Uvwo TerminalsConnecting Loads Over Current RelaySingle Phase Load Three Phase LoadDCA-70SSJU Series Load Application If wattage is not given on the equipments name plateVoltage Selector Switch Voltage Selector Switch Locking ButtonDCA-70SSJU Series Generator Outputs Generator OutputVoltagesDCA-70SSJU Series Generator OUTPUTS/GAUGE Reading How to Read the Output Terminal GaugeGfci Receptacle Load Capability DCA-70SSJU Series Output Terminal Panel Connections Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages3Ø 240/139 Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages 3Ø 208V/1Ø120V Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages3Ø 480/277 Uvwo Terminal Output Voltages 1Ø 240V/120V Uvwo Terminal Output VoltagesDCA-70SSJU Series PRE-SETUP Circuit BreakersLubrication Oil Fuel CheckRefueling Procedure DCA-70SSJU Series PRE-SETUPRefueling Full Trailer Tank Cleaning the Radiator Air Cleaner Fan Belt TensionOperation Freezing Weather Must be less than 50%Battery Cable Installation When connecting battery do the followingWiring AlternatorDCA-70SSJU Series Generator START-UP Procedure Manual Before StartingClose all engine enclosure doors Figure Engine Operating Panel S/N 73002140 and belowEngine Operating Panel up to S/N Cold Starting ButtonCoolant Temperature Gauge Set engine speed switch to LOW Figure Engine Operating Panel S/N 73002141~DCA-70SSJU Series Generator START-UP Procedure Auto Mode Place the Off/Manual/Auto switch in the Auto positionDCA-70SSJU Series Generator SHUT-DOWN Procedure Shutdown Procedure Ignition Switch Up to S/NShutdown Procedure Engine Controller S/N 73002141~ Emergency Shutdown Procedure Ignition Switch Up to S/NDCA-70SSJU Series Maintenance Cleaning the Fuel Strainer Feed Pump Strainer CleaningAir Removal Check Oil LevelDCA-70SSJU Series Maintenance DCA-70SSJU Series -TRAILER Brakes Maintenance Brake AdjustmentBrakes Hydraulic Surge BrakesDCA-70SSJU Series -TRAILER Maintenance Tires/Wheels/Lug NutsTire Wear/Inflation SuspensionLug Nut Torque Requirements Start all wheel lug nuts by handDCA-70SSJU Series -TRAILERWIRING Diagram Trailer/Towing Vehicle Wiring DiagramDCA-70SSJU Series Generatorwiring Diagram Generator Wiring DiagramDCA-70SSJU Series Enginewiring Diagram with Controller Engine Wiring Diagram ControllerDCA-70SSJU Series Engine Wiring Diagram with Ignition Switch Engine does not start DCA-70SSJU Series -TROUBLESHOOTING EngineStarter does not run DCA-70SSJU Series -TROUBLESHOOTING Engine DCA-70SSJU Series -TROUBLESHOOTING Generator Generator TroubleshootingDCA-70SSJU Series -TROUBLESHOOTING Engine Controller Engine Controller Troubleshooting MpecPage Explanation of Code in Remarks Column Items Found In the Items Number ColumnDCA-70SSJU Series Suggested Spare Parts Qty DescriptionDCA-70SSJU Series Nameplate and Decals STRIPE, Whisperwatt STRIPE, MQ PowerStripe DCA-70SSJU Series Generator Assy Generator Assy Include Items WField Assy FANDCA-70SSJU Series Control BOX Assy Switch Cover Control BOX AssyMachine Screw NTA-5A-2DBDCA-70SSJU Series Control BOX ASSY. SL-2VS REOSTAT,VOLTAGE RegulatorKnob ST0PPERDCA-70SSJU Series Engine and Radiator Assy Engine Foot DCA-70SSJU Series Engine and Radiator ASSY. DCA-70SSJU Series Engine and Radiator ASSY. DCA-70SSJU Series Engine and Radiator ASSY. M2260600024 N7301311~0602202597 0602220621DCA-70SSJU Series Engine Operating Panel Assy N7300001TO S/N7302140 N73002141~0601840190 0605804150031108160 0605010550DCA-70SSJU Series Engine Operating Panel ASSY. Panel Light DCA-70SSJU Series Outputterminal Assy N7300061TO S/N7302140Hinge DCA-70SSJU Series Outputterminal ASSY. Breaker Fitting Cover Cushion RubberStay Rubber NUTDCA-70SSJU Series Battery Assy Battery Band Battery Bolt SETBattery Cable Make LocallyDCA-70SSJU Series Muffler Assy N7300001TO S/N7300800DCA-70SSJU Series Muffler Assy DCA-70SSJU Series Fueltank Assy Fuel Tank CAP, FueltankTank Band Supporter SheetDCA-70SSJU Series Enclosure Assy Enclosure AssyUnder Cover COVER, Front FrameAcoustic Sheet Center FrameDCA-70SSJU Series Enclosure ASSY. Enclosure ASSY.Washer DCA-70SSJU Series Enclosure ASSY. Side Door DuctDoor Stopper EmblemDCA-70SSJU Series Rubber Seal Assy 0228901580 02292008250228900670 0228901090Terms and Conditions of Sale Parts Page Heres HOW to GET Help