LIS Interfaces A logical IP subnet (LIS) interface supports logical IP over ATM. You define LIS interfaces for the ports on ATM modules only. See the Chapter 11 of the LANplex® 2500 Operation Guide for more information about the ATM protocol. See the LANplex® 2500 Administration Console User Guide for information about how to configure ATM ports.
Interface Each IP interface has the following information associated with it: Characteristics
■IP Address — This address, which is specific to your network, should be chosen from the range of addresses assigned to your organization by the central agency. This address defines both the number of the network to which the interface is attached and the interface’s host number on that network.
■Subnet Mask — A subnet mask is a
■Advertisement Address — The switching module uses this IP address when it advertises routes to other stations on the same subnet. In particular, the system uses this address for sending RIP updates. By default the switching module uses a directed advertisement (all 1s in the host field).
■Cost — This number, between 1 and 15, is used when calculating route metrics. Unless your network has special requirements, assign a cost of 1 to all interfaces.
■Type — The IP interface is one of these types:
■VLAN, which supports routing between two VLANs
■LIS, which supports classical IP over ATM
■State — This status of the IP interface indicates whether the interface is available for communications.
■VLAN Interface — When you select VLAN as the interface type, the Administration Console prompts you for the VLAN index number. The VLAN index number indicates which bridge ports are associated with the IP interface. When the LANplex Administration Console menu prompts you for