Running Quick Config Manager Whenever you want to start the Quick Config Manager application,
double-click on the Quick Configuration M anager icon.
CAUTION: Do not run Quick Config Manager in par allel with any other
Transcend management application.
Before you can manage the stack, you must make a management
connection to the stack. If you are going to manage over a serial link
from your management station, Quick Config Ma nager uses COM1 as
the default serial port. You can change this by editing the following line
under the [slip] subsection of the QUICKMGR.INI file:
SerialAttrib=COM1:9600 ,n,8,1
Editing it to SerialAttrib=COM2:9600,n,8,1 changes the default serial
port to COM2.
Before Managing with Quick Config Manager, you must ensure that
your management equipment and the hub have been set up, refer to
“Quick Config Manager” on page 5-13.
Configuring Multiple Stacks There is a special feature which enables you to refresh your
management communication when con necting your management
station to different stacks. This means that you do not need to close
and re-open Quick Config Manager, which is particularly useful if you
have many separate stacks that need configuring or monitoring.
To do this:
1Make your serial connection to the new stack.
2From the File menu, select Reset View.
Quick Config Manager closes any windows that are open in
preparation for the new management session.