4Enter the upgrade com mand:
PS Hub 40 software upgrade — update pshxx_yy.bin
PS Hub 50 software upgrade — update psfxx_yy.bin
Where xx_yy is the version of agent software. The version of agent
software on the CD-R OM is the current version that was in the hub
originally. View the contents of the CD-ROM to see the filename for
this version of agent software.
You can also use the following parameter with the upgrade command
to specify the serial (COM) port to use for the PC. The default for this
is COM 1:
-c 1 or -c 2
An example of th e upgrade command with this parameter is:
update -c 1 pshxx_yy.bin
5Power off the hub.
6Press [Return].
7Power on the hub immediately (within 5 seconds).
The utility transfers the agent software to the hub.
8Repeat all of the steps for any other hubs that need upgrading.