Features The PS Hub 40 and PS Hub 50 share many features:
NOTE: These terms and features are described in this chapter and the
following chapters.
■12 or 24 shielded twisted pair ports for easy connection to
10BASE-T networks. An MDI/MDIX switch allow s you to cross-over
one of these ports, for connection to other typ es of hubs and
network equipment.
■One or two transceiver module slots, providing a choice of media
■The PS Hub 40 has two 10Mbps transceiver module slots that
can be fitted with 3Com 10Mbps transceiver m odules.
■The PS Hub 50 has one transceiver module slot that can be fitted
with a 3Com 10Mbps or 100Mbps transceiver m odule.
■SuperStackII architecture — You can stack up to 10 hubs
(six iffree standing), giving you a possible 260 ports per stack.
■LEDs for quick viewing of hub and port status.
■Hot-swappable technology which allows hu bs to be added and
removed from a stack without affecting stack performance.
■Mounting bracket s for easy installation i nto a standard 19 inch rack ,
or onto a table or wall.
■+5 Lifetime Limite d Warranty — Please refer to t he “3Com
Corporation Limited Warranty” at the back of this guide for more